About Othella Jordan

“Calming Psalms”

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ BLOG

Othella Hill-Jordan                                                                                                         July 1, 2024


“Calming Psalms”

During our Sunday sermon, Pastor Brice gave us a reading assignment for the next seven days. We’re entering the seventh month of the year, July.  Our Bibles place significance on the number seven. The number seven correlates to fulfillment, completion, deliverance, victory.

Scriptures: Exodus 22:30; 2 Kings 5:10; Joshua 6:3-4; Matthew 18:21-22. All reference the number seven. Once you read them you will see their significance.

Pastor Brice also gave us Scripture to read and meditate on each day for the next seven days, this starts today. The reading and meditating on the below listed Scripture will help to rid yourselves of any anxiety or depressing issues in your lives.

7 Days of Calming Psalm

Rid Yourself of Anxiety & Depression

(Read and meditate on an associated Scripture each day.)

Day 1: God helps you and keeps you              ~ Psalm 121:1-2 & 7-8.

Day 2: God listens and gives rest.                   ~  Psalm 116:1-2.

Day 3: God loves and forgives you.                ~  Psalm 103:11-12.

Day 4: God protects you at the right time.     ~   Psalm 27:1.

Day 5: God receives the broken.                    ~   Psalm 34:4-5 & 8-9.

Day 6: God brings joy.                                   ~  Psalm 40:1-3.

Day 7: God holds you fast.                            ~  Psalm 62:5-7.


This assignment concludes with you sowing a seed, tithes, on Sunday (July 7th) in an amount above what you normally tithe.

This number should correlate to the number seven. i.e., $7  – $77  –  $777.

Do this in praise of His Holy Name. For His Goodness and Mercy. For being our Joy in time of sorrow. For making a Way out of no way. For being our All in all.

Stay Connected,


Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan



“Are You Under the Right Influence?”


“Are You Under the Right Influence?”

Pastor Brice preached from Romans chapter 8 on Sunday. Romans chapter 8 is all about life through the Holy Spirit. His teaching centered around allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of your life.

“… there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1 (NIV).

We must get in agreement with God. The term, let go and let God, applies here. Most of us were raised by parents who taught us to be self-sufficient – to take charge and be in control of our own lives. Yes, we were taught to be leaders and winners, not followers. This is not a bad thing, this is good. But we also must be careful who we model ourselves after.

A disciple of Christ is a follower of Christ. What just happened?

Your role as a leader was just reversed. You went from a leader to a follower.  As disciples of Christ, we must allow the Holy Spirit control of our lives. This means we must allow Him to take total control of our mindset, our emotions, and our actions.

“Be careful whose influence you’re under.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

As with everything, there are bad influencers waiting to pounce on those who look at the glitter and not the substance. Everything that glitters is not gold, nor is it good.

Our goal as a disciple is to please God. We cannot please God when we ae not under His control.  We must seek God and allow Him to do His Will in us. We must get under God’s Control.

“Abide in me, and I in you.” – John 15:4 (KJV).

Let the Holy Spirit do His work in you. Remain in Him and He will remain in you. Rely on Him and not on self. This is a relationship. In Him you are under the right influence. This is you! This is me! This is winning!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan


“Are You With Me?”


“Are You with Me?”

To be able to sit under the teachings of our pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, is an indescribable experience. This past year he has taken us on a journey of winning. He has taught us that we don’t just win by our own volition (efforts) we win because God is our Source.

“God is within her; she will not fail.” – Psalm 46:5 (NIV).

We must, however, stay in the Word of God. We must search Scripture – read Scripture – to help us clearly understand how God works in our lives. He is always at work in us. Let Him do His work in you. (You will find that understanding generates dedication.)

“I want God to be in the midst of all our (church) services – marriages – homes – jobs – schools – parentings.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

Read: Psalm chapter 46 and 2 Kings chapters 18 and 19. (King Hezekiah devised a plan to stop an attack on Jerusalem by diverting their much-needed water supply away from their enemy, the Assyrian army. This plan worked and Jerusalem was saved.)

“Get in the Flow of God. He is our Fountain of Living Water – Jesus is our Well of Living Water – the Holy Spirit is our River of Living Water.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

The Holy Trinity is our Source, our Living Water, our Water of life, our Flow.

Can we agree on this? Are you with me? Where would you be without the Flow?

“There is Peace – Provision – Power – Protection in the Flow.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

There’s a gospel song; “Nothing Without You” by Jason Nelson. The song starts with: In Him do I live, move, and have my being. Cause I’m nothing without You. Lord I’m nothing without You. The song goes on to say: breathe through me and live in me. Let your glory reign in me. Cause I’m nothing without You. Don’t leave me without your love – I can’t even breathe without You – I can’t exist without You – I’m nothing without You.

Get this in your spirit; God is our Fountain – our Well – our River of Living Water.  We cannot exist without Living Water.  Stay with the Flow!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“A Word for Mothers”


“A Word for Mothers”

Mother’s Day is approaching. Time to honor all our mothers, those living and those with our Father, in Heaven. To honor our mothers and praise Him, I’ve included a Word from Psalm:

“You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  – Psalm 139:13 (NLT).

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14 (NIV).

Yes, let’s start with a praise. We are all here because of our mothers being an instrument of God. Praise God! We are all here because of Love. God is Love and a mother’s love is your heartbeat.

Your Heartbeat

A Mother’s love is your heartbeat – A Mother’s love never dies.

With every heartbeat – You will thrive.   With every heartbeat – You will survive.

Her love reaches from beyond the skies – A Mother’s love keeps you alive.

A Mother’s love can be seen – In all of her off-spring.  Sons – daughters – grans – great-grans.

Grans of the future.

All protected by her love.  – Protected by God’s Holy Scripture.

Everyone with mothers in Heaven:  Memories lodged in the chambers of your heart.

Keep her close – Keep her near.

Memories so dear – Keep her here.  Bless the Lord for His Mercy and Grace!

Everyone with mother’s living this side of Heaven:  Don’t wait – Don’t procrastinate.

Show your love – Speak your love.

Relate – Appreciate. Before it’s too late.

God is Love!   Praise His Holy Name!


Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“Winning In a Strange Way!”


“Winning In a Strange Way!”

Pastor Brice is continuing his series of teachings on winning. This past Sunday he taught on the sub-title, Winning in a Strange Way. Our Scripture was from John 9:6-7, Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind. Jesus healing a man born blind, giving him something he had never had before, sight, may seem unusual to us, but this is normal for Jesus. This is Who He Is.

Miracle Maker – Deal Breaker – Hostage Taker. He’ll take Satan and turn him every which way but loose. Winning. Yes, we’re winning even while we sleep because we follow, trust, and believe in God who never slumbers nor sleeps. We serve God who is with us all day, every day, and in every way. We serve God who fights our battles while we sleep.

“Daughter. Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”                 –  Mark 5:34 (NIV).

 Jesus was speaking to the woman with the issue of blood. She had strong faith that if she could just touch the clothes of Jesus she would be healed. Which she did, and she was. Her suffering battle was won by touching the robe of Jesus.

Why are we blessed with a healing grace from God?

 Jesus, through His sacrifice at Calvary, paid the full price for our healing. He bore our iniquities, as well as our infirmities and sicknesses.

“He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” – Matthew 8:17 (NIV).

 Love. We are winning because of Love. God is Love. Our winning begins and continues with Love. To non-believers this may seem strange or unusual. To all believers, this is natural. God is the Way – God is Love.

It was Love that sent His one and only Son to the cross. It was Love that held Him there to be beaten and shed precious Blood. It was Love that heard the words from His dying breath:

“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” – Luke 23:34 (KJV).

 It was Love that caused the tomb not to hold Him. It was Love that caused death to release Him. Isn’t it awesome that we win because of Love? Well, there is a whole lot more that goes along with Love. Faith – trust – believe – receive. Thank You, Lord for delivering us!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“Pray and Stay”


“Pray and Stay!”

These past few weeks while going through a series of teachings by our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, on Winning This Thing, we’ve learned to win by praying without ceasing and by staying under the full armor of God. We’ve learned to pray and stay.

Sounds simple, but it’s not so simple. Why? Because we are consistently under attack. Satan will not let us go easily. Therefore, we must maintain our stamina. Be strong in the Word. Pray intensely and frequently. Stay under the protection of the full armor of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”    –  Luke 22:42 (NIV).

As Holy Week is nearing an end, I pray that everyone will continue to be adamant in their prayers and will stay strong in the Word. During the week before Jesus was crucified, He was deep in prayer. He knew His suffering was pending but He also knew that He would rise again.

“The stone was moved so that we could get a revelation.”                           – Pastor Victor S. Brice

The women went to the tomb to prepare Jesus for His burial, but they found that the stone had been moved and Jesus was gone. Two angels of the Lord appeared and asked why they were looking for the living among the dead, Jesus had risen.

“Then they remembered his words.” – Luke 24:8 (NIV).

The above Scripture shows Jesus is true to His Word. Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Truth.                   Revelation: If God says so, it is done!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”      –    John 1:1 (NIV). 

God’s Will of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was for our salvation. We may live today and experience eternal peace and life with Him in our tomorrow of no pain, no sorrow. Pray in all circumstances and conditions. Stay in the Word of God. Put on the full armor of God:

Belt of truth buckled around your waist. Breastplate of righteousness, shielding your heart. Shoes of peace fitted to your feet. Shield of faith, your trust, and belief. Helmet of salvation, covering your head. Sword of the Spirit – pray on all occasions. Read: Ephesians 6:14-18. 

Stay Connected,

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan





Our pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, is continuing his teachings on I’m Winning This Thing. He is now focusing on supervising and managing our sufferings. During our Sunday morning worship service he made the statement, “You must have the right attitude.”  You must have the right reaction to your suffering. i.e., Jesus had the right reaction to his suffering while hanging on the cross.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34 (NIV). 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could develop the right attitude while we are going through our trials, troubles, difficulties, sufferings? This may sound difficult to do but it is doable if we would only refocus. Refocus? Yes, refocus! Take your mind off what you’re going though and focus on God. Redirect your negative energy to positive.

“Seek peace and pursue it.” – 1 Peter 3:11b (NIV).

 Remember, all things begin and end with God. Therefore, keep Him involved in all that you do. We tend to leave God out of most things that we do. Why is that? Is it because we are doing things that God would not approve of?  If God can’t be included, then you should probably not be doing it anyway.

You can’t win it if God isn’t in it!

“Happiness and joy are the right attitude.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Keep a positive attitude while going through your suffering and wreak the benefits. Yes, there are benefits to your suffering. Pastor Brice is teaching us that suffering will develop you – transform you – test you – and lead you to a testimony. Shout! Yes, it is time to shout! We will always win in the end!

I titled this blog Refocus because this is what we all must do while going through. Problems, pain, suffering. We must accept the inevitable but don’t focus on them. We must keep our minds stayed on Jesus. Our Healer – Comforter – Provider – Our All in All.

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan



“How Do I Win in This Thing Called Life?”


“How Do I Win in This Thing Called Life?” 

Pastor Brice is continuing his on-going series on I’m Winning This Thing. During our Sunday morning worship service he made the statement, “We must keep our composure through the chaos and pain.” Yes, this sounds about right, but this is one of those statements that are easier said than done. Why?

“Pain and suffering take us out of character.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

When we are going through, pain, suffering, hard times, we tend to try for a quick fix because we just want it to stop. So, what do we do? We listen to the wrong voice. When we hear a little voice tell us to do a certain thing, we must put it through the test.  Is what I’m being told to do of God? Is it something that Jesus would do?

“My problems made me pray more.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Yes, pray. We need help. We can’t navigate through life without the help of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Pray and let it go. We often hear our elders say, Let go and let God. This is the best advice you could ever receive. Pray and get out of the way and let God work for you. Get under the Will of God.

“Then you will be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants.”                                   – 1 Pete 4:2 (MSG).

Remember the song from the musical, The Wizard of Oz, follow – follow – follow – follow the yellow brick road? Well, when life brings trouble – hurt – pain, follow – follow – follow – follow the Will of God. Following the Will of God is the road to win – win – win – winning in life.

“Stay wide awake in prayer.” – 1 Peter 4:7b (MSG).

Live – Pray – Follow – Win!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan


“Are You Subscribing?”


“Are You Subscribing?”

During our Tuesday night bible class, All I Am Is an Asset, Pastor Brice posed the following question: Are you subscribing to the ministry? Take a moment, don’t answer right away, think about your individual contribution to our church ministry. As disciples of Solomon Temple Ministries International we have all taken the first step, attendance. However, our discipleship does not stop there.

“The anchor, strength, and health of our church is tied to Word, and prayer. This is also the vision of this House.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

With that said, lets go to step two, subscribing to the vision of the House. Word and prayer. Let’s start with Word. We get the Word on Sunday and on Tuesday night. On Wednesday night, life transformation classes based on Word. Prayer. Prayer is available to us each day, 06:00am to 06:15am, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 12:00 noon to 12:15pm.

“You’re either an asset or a liability to our church.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

You’re an asset when you subscribe to the vision of the House. To subscribe means to agree. When you agree with the vison or purpose of the House, you will become a useful, supportive, contributor. You become a liability when you don’t subscribe to the vision.

“We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.”                                              – Romans 15:2 (NLT)

The above Scripture lays the foundation for you to be an asset rather than a liability to STMI. Before you even think of the word, can’t, let me show you how you can.

Be in regular attendance for Sunday morning worship service. Be in regular attendance for Tuesday bible study and Wednesday life transformation class. Be on the prayer line every morning. And last, but not least, pray for yourselves as well as others.

This is you, doing what is right and you helping others do what is right. This is you building your relationship with the Lord and you helping others build their relationship with the Lord. By being disciples, we make disciples.

Yes, I’m an asset, I’m subscribing, I’m contributing to the vision of the church. Word and prayer.

Stay Connected,

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan


“Friend or Adversary?”


“Friend or Adversary?” 

When you hear these phrases: friend or adversary; with me or against me; win or lose; what one word comes to mind?  Competition. Ok, so you can name a few more, but let’s talk about competition. Why? Because we live in a very competitive and challenging world.

Competitive world: workforce – music – entertainment (stage, film, writers, producers, directors, actors, etc.) – education – sports – politics – judicial and legislative. We have an election this year. Competition. Who do you vote for? Can you trust the candidate to be truthful?

Challenging world. People of the world are carnal minded. Pastor Brice has reminded us that the carnal minded goes against everything that God is about.

“The carnal minded can’t please God.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” – Romans 8:6 (NIV).

We, as a people, tend to want and cater to things that look good, smell good, taste good, and even sound good.  This is called operating in the flesh. You may have a pretty or handsome spouse –the table you’re sitting at has delicious smelling food (so you automatically think it will taste good) – you may be listening to get up and dance music. However, all that looks, smells, tastes, and sounds good is not good.

“To be carnal minded is to be influenced by your flesh. It is a dangerous position to be in.”                                  –   Pastor Victor S. Brice.

Your pretty or handsome spouse is a cheater – that delicious smelling food tastes like wood (ok, I borrowed this from a song) – the music you’re listening to has cuss words. The moral to this story: the Devil knows how to disguise himself.

God is your friend – the Devil is your adversary.

Stay connected to God (tap in and win). Connected to the Devil (you snooze and lose).

Stay connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan