“I Stand Corrected!”
Othella Hill-Jordan January 20, 2025
“I Stand Corrected!”
During our Tuesday Word (Bible) meeting, Pastor Brice made the statement; Keep the Word in your heart to guard against sin!
What did he mean by this statement? The Word of God is our Protection against sin.
We, this means you and I, were born into a sinful world. Yes, for those who are in denial, our world has been plagued by sin since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. Sin is quite often presented as something beautiful – tasteful – pleasurable. I caution you to remain alert because quite often it is Satan at work luring you into his sin trap. (This means war!)
Read: Ephesians chapter 6 in its entirety.
We cannot battle Satan alone. Our best defense is God and His Word. Use It!
“Wear the Word as an Armor.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
Put on the full Armor of God; Belt of Truth – Breastplate of Righteousness – Shoes of Peace – Shield of Faith – Helmet of Salvation – Sword of the Spirit.
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” – Ephesians 6:18 (NIV).
The Word of God is our standard for living. It will protect you and correct you. (And I stand corrected!) It will keep you on the path of righteousness and will not let you stray. The Word will let you live.
“Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live.”
- Proverbs 4:4 (NIV).
Every word used in this blog should be a reminder of what you already know and of what you are already doing. This blog was written to encourage you to stay in alignment with God and His Word. Remain steadfast in the Word of God – remain steadfast in prayer – remain steadfast in witnessing to others.
“If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NIV).
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“Alive in Christ in 2025”
“Alive in Christ in 2025!”
I normally don’t like to start a conversation with a question, however, here it goes: What would a summary of your life look like for 2024? Include the good – the bad – the ups – the downs – the wins – the losses. Ok, I’m going to walk right past the fact that we all sin. I know this – you know this – and we all do this. Now. What gauge did you use for doing good?
Living in a nice neighborhood – driving an expensive car – having a high paying job are all very nice to have, however, it does not mean you’re doing good.
“Let your service to the Lord, be your gauge for doing good.” – Anon.
Also, I can’t just mention the fact that we all sin and let it go at that because to sin is to be dead to Christ. Think about this for a moment. Sin can be very enticing; looks good – smells good – feels good. Being a believer does not exempt you from sin. However, when you fall into sin, you’ll feel convicted. Embrace this feeling, it will lead you to repent and turn away from sin.
“Go and sin no more.” – John 8:11 (NIV).
Pastor Brice’s Watch Night service, December 31, 2024, on “Stepping Into 2025 Energized”, was our encouragement to do just that; go and sin no more. He spoke from the Message Bible, Galatians 6:7-10. He cautioned us to be careful of how and what we plant because we will harvest what we plant.
“Some of what we planted in 2024 produced weeds. Weeds will choke you out.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
You may have ended 2024 with; I was gonna’ – I would’ve – I should’ve – I could’ve. This was you misleading yourself. Stop misleading yourself and let God lead you. Get in the Word of God and stay in the Word! Pray. Pray for yourself and others. Love. Love yourself as well as others. (Yes, you can! You may have to love some people from afar, but you can love everyone.)
God is Love and God is Joy. There is no love nor joy without God! The Word of God is Truth, therefore seek Him first and everything else will fall into place.
Get energized – Strive – Grow in the Word – Come alive in Christ – Come alive in 2025!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“The Reason for The Season”
“The Reason for The Season”
Before I speak on, The Reason for The Season, I will clarify The Season. As for me and my family, we recognize The Season as; Thanksgiving – Christmas – New Years Eve (ending)– New Years Day (beginning). God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit is the reason for the Season.
Thanksgiving: We give praises and thanks to God for the Goodness, Grace, and Mercy we’ve been given throughout the year. We also, in turn, reciprocate with others who are in need.
Christmas: We celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus. God sent Jesus from Heaven to walk among us and show us how to live – worship – love Him and others. During this time, we gift others with presents or mementos in recognition of the gold, frankincense, and myrrh, that the three Magi (kings) gave to Jesus at his birth.
New Years Eve: We again give praise and thanks to God for being our Way out of no way – our Joy in time of sorrow – our Peace transcending all understanding – our Keeper – our Healer – our Provider – our Love. (There is no love without God.)
New Years Day: We celebrate new beginnings. We celebrate the chance to start over/revisit (or continue) with Word – Worship – Prayer – Praise – Witnessing to others.
“You must be born again.” – John 3:7 (NIV).
“Come out from among them and be ye separate.” – 2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV).
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” – Matthew 6:33 (NIV).
“Pray (always) continuingly.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV).
Start the New Year with heeding the Word of God. Read – hear – heed (live) the Word. Be prepared to stumble (because this is what we do) but you won’t fall, and you won’t fail because God will not let you. Stumbling is not a falling or failing moment. Stumbling is a try harder moment – a stumble is a reach out to God moment. Gods got you!
Yes, time to hold on to God’s Unchanging Hands. Time to pray; God, help me to remain steadfast in You – in Your Word – in worship – in prayer – and in witnessing to others.
God is waiting on you. Stay in Word – stay in Prayer – stay witnessing to others.
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“Put Word On It!”
“Put Word on It!”
For the past few weeks Pastor Victor S. Brice has been teaching on “Staying the Course While Facing Trouble”. His teachings have been centered around Psalm 119. Psalm 119 has an anonymous writer, but he is a writer we can all identify with.
Fact: Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible.
I brought out this fact just to get your attention. Read, Psalm 119 in its entirety. Get the Word in your heart – mind – spirit. The writer will take you through his ups and downs – his struggles and good times, just like we experience today. However, as you read, pay attention to one key factor in this Psalm…
“He was always in touch with the Lord.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
Yes, no matter what he was going through, he was always in touch with the Lord. His hope (faith) in God never wavered. During his struggles, he cried out to the Lord. Also, during good times he praised God’s Holy Name.
God’s Word is (what we people of modern times call) magic. So, why magic? Because God’s Word will and can provide unimaginable results. Therefore, the correct word to use in describing God’s Word is, Pure, or Guarantee. God’s Word is a Guarantee that whatever He promises, He will perform – whatever He promises will happen.
“Every word of God is pure. He is a shield to those who put their trust in him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NKJV).
God is our Provider – our Protector – our All in All. Everything we have comes from the Lord. Yes, everything! God will place you in situations of trouble, conflicts, disputes so that you will learn to call on Him. Yes, call on Him during troubled times, you will get the win. Put the Word of God on your troubling situations. He will see you through them.
Trust in the Lord. Do not waiver – do not doubt. Put Word on it! Trust – Believe – Receive!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“Stay The Course”
“Stay The Course!”
Our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, is currently taking us through a series of teachings on staying connected to God. His focus during our Tuesday Word teaching was staying on track with God even while experiencing good times. We’re not quick to acknowledge Him while experiencing the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. Why? Because we take the credit for winning.
Ok, let’s delve a little further into your achievements. You bought a new home. How were you able to buy that new home? I have a high salary job.
Ok, so, how were you able to get that high salary job? I went to college and got my degree.
Did you receive any help along the way (path) to your degree? No, I spent a lot of sleepless nights studying so that I could pass my exams. I also prayed a lot.
Wait…what?? What was the last thing you just said. I prayed a lot??
And there it is! God! Now, do you still want to take credit for your success? If you think you did all the work, think again. God was with you every step of the way. He is our Guiding Light. You stayed on the Path – you stayed connected to God – you achieved success.
God was with you during those sleepless nights while studying. God was with you when you took your exams. God was with you while you were earning your degree. God was with you when you got your high salary job. God was with you when you bought that new car. God was with you when you bought that new home.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105 (NIV).
As we navigate through life, we’ll have our ups and downs – our highs and our lows – the rain and the sunshine. However, the key to winning is keeping God with you every step of the way. Stay the Course whether happy or sad – through the good and the bad. Let Him light the way. Let Him light your path.
“We have good days and bad days. God must be with you during good times and bad times.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Praise Him for all He has done for you! He brought you through! Always praise Him!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“The Light Path”
“The Light Path”
During our Tuesday Word with God teachings, Pastor Brice made the statement; “Be careful that you stay on the lighted path.”
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” – Psalm 119:105 (KJV).
God’s Word will lead you – guide you – as you walk, navigate, climb this mountain called life. God will also move some things out of your way, making a clear path for you to follow. All He ask of you is to trust and believe and you will receive.
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” – John 14:14 (NIV).
Our life is a journey. As we move through our journeys, it is to our benefit that we stay on the right path (the Light Path). Stay connected to God – stay in close contact with God. Relationship. Yes, it’s all about our relationship with God. Every relationship takes work. Yes, work. Our patient God does His work, and He waits on you to do yours.
What kind of work? I’m glad you asked, praying – reading – trusting – believing.
Praying. Now you’re thinking, praying is not work. Exactly! Praying is simply reaching out to God. Pray daily – pray every time you have an idle moment. Pray for yourself – pray for others.
“The Word teaches us how to pray.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Reading. Yes, read your Bible. Reading Scripture builds your relationship with God, and it teaches you how to pray. However, be careful that you’re just not reading the Word. You must understand the Word – most importantly, you must get the Word in your heart, live the Word.
Trusting – Believing. God’s Word is Truth. Believe it! God’s Word will direct (show) you the way – will put you on the lighted path to victory. God’s Word will protect (shield) you. God’s Word will deliver you. Have faith. When you trust and believe you will receive.
The Word of God is The Light – Jesus is The Light – the Path is The Light. Walk in The Light to victory!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
Finish! Yes, finish! Always finish what you start! We heard this statement quite often from our mom and dad while we were growing up. It still resonates with me. During our Sunday sermon, Pastor Brice made the statement: “It’s not how you start the race, it’s how you finish. Finishing is your goal, not starting.”
Pastor Brice was delivering a sermon from Hebrews 12:1-3. His sermon was titled, “I Have a Reason to Run”. His Message stressed the fact that Moses, Abraham, and Jesus had a race to run but they did not quit when they encountered problems – obstacles. We all know that Jesus encountered the biggest obstacle, but He did not quit.
“While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8 (NIV).
“What if Jesus had stopped running?” – Pastor Victor S. Brice. “I’m glad Jesus kept running!”
I’m writing this Blog assuming that my readers know all about the lives of Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. You know the race they each ran. Have you encountered anything that matches or exceeds what they endured and conquered? All yes answers will be immediately verified and upon confirmation your parade will include palm tree leaves.
Seriously though. As you encounter trials – trouble – stress along your race route, think about the ones who persevered – the ones who won their race. You can win your race as well, just don’t give up – don’t throw in the towel – don’t quit! You will win! How? Hebrews 12:2 (NLT)
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”
Yes, keep your eyes on Jesus as you run your race. This means having a positive mind-set while running. Remember the childhood story about; The Little Engine That Could? The Little Engine had the mindset of; I think I can…I think I can…I think I can… The result: the Little Engine won his race. This should be you as you run your race, except, include Jesus.
“With God we will gain the victory; and he will trample down our enemies.” – Psalm 108:13.
Do you know the lyrics to the song; “God Is”? If you know the song, sing it as you run your race. If you don’t know the song, here are a few words to get you moving…. God Is, lyrics:
God is – my Protection – God is, my All and all. God is – my Light in darkness – oh God is my All and all. God is – my Joy in the time of sorrow – God is, my All and all. God is my Today and my Tomorrow – God is my All and all. (verse) God is the joy and the strength of my life – He removes all pain, misery and strife – He promised to keep me – never to leave me – He’ll never ever come short of His Word….(There is much more to this song, look it up…sing it and…)
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“We Have An Assignment”
“We Have an Assignment”
A task or piece of work assigned to someone, as part of a job or course of study, is the meaning of assignment.
“Stay the course – we all have an assignment – know your assignment!” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
These words were spoken by our pastor during our Word Tuesday class, “Stay in the Race”.
“…throw off everything that hinders … And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” – Hebrews 12:1 (NIV).
Now, you’re thinking, What race? Life. Yes, life is a race – life is our assignment. Our race begins, anew, each morning we wake and get out of bed. Each day we have an opportunity to run our race again. Why? Because God waits on us to get it right. He waits for us to win. We serve an Awesome God!
There may be times that you’re hindered while running your race (while living your life). Don’t let trouble – pain – heartache cause you to drop out of the race. Use the tools that God has given you. Prayer is one of them. Pray your way through. Trouble don’t last always!
Stick to your assignment. Follow the blueprint (path or plan) that Jesus laid out for you. Jesus has showed us the way. Jesus is the Way – the Joy – the Source – the Strength in your life. Stick with the Plan.
Prayer keeps you connected to the Source. You cannot win – persevere – succeed without the Source.
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“Living On the Edge”
“Living On the Edge?
What does it mean to live on the edge? You may have heard a friend or relative excitedly talk about a thrill ride on a rollercoaster, or ziplining over a canyon, or maybe even bungy jumping from a bridge. There are also those who go water rafting – parachuting – hang gliding. They all fall under the category of thrill seekers. Thrill seekers live on the edge.
Living on the edge is taking risks and seeking excitement (rush – fun – thrill) through dangerous situations that most people would not consider. Living on the edge pushes your limits physically, mentally, and spiritually.
“Stop living on the edge, you’ll fall away from Christ.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
All right, my thrill-seeking friends, my living on the edge friends, do you remember to include God in your plans?
Always include God in your plans! Never leave home without Him. Always keep God in it!
This is one concept that my parents instilled in me as a young child, growing up here in California. We always need God’s Protection, especially my living on the edge, thrill-seeking friends. Without God, you’re vulnerable – you leave yourself open for a takeover.
Satan will disguise himself as a fun loving – thrill seeking – rush of pleasure having friend. Living on the edge without God, is an invitation for Satan to take charge. (Yes, just like that!)
Satan will lead you to feel the excitement – to feel the thrill rush while he is slowly devouring your soul. You’ll be like the grape that fell off the vine and slowly rotted away because it was no longer connected to the vine.
Once disconnected from the Vine, your soul will be sin-ripe for take-over by Satan. Your Joy – your Peace – your Way out of no way – your Provider –your Protector will wait on you to come to your senses. Meanwhile, Satan will sink his teeth into you, and you will slowly start to die.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NIV).
Do I need to say more?
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan
“The Tempter vs The Tempted”
“The Tempter vs The Tempted”
For this writing, the Tempter is the Devil, and we are the Tempted. In Pastor Brice’s teachings on, Triumphing over Temptation, he made the point that we are all tempted on a daily basis. Yes, all! Temptation is a natural human instinct, and no one is exempt.
How do we overcome this instinct? We follow Jesus’ command to…
“Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” – Luke 22:40 (NIV).
We consistently do things that we know are not of God. We relegate them to a category of little sin in hopes that our good works will make up for them. Wrong! Wipe that thought process from your mind. There is no such thing as little sin and big sin. No matter the size, shape, or circumstances, sin is sin.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” – Matthew 26:41 (NIV).
When you are being tempted put the Word of God on your circumstances. Watch, be vigilant, know when you are being tempted. Pray – read Scripture – follow Jesus’ command and example.
Read: Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. After Jesus had fasted and prayed for forty days and forty nights the Devil tried to tempt Jesus. Every circumstance that the Devil tried to tempt Jesus with, resulted in Jesus answering him with Scripture… “It is written…”)
We can all do this. However, the key is to know the Word of God – know your Bible. Our Pastor has always been adamant about us staying in the Word – staying in prayer – staying in worship and witnessing. When you know the Word, you’ll be ready when the Tempter comes calling.
You’ve heard the saying… Those are fighting Words. Humm…mm…. Did you ever think of your Bible as a Weapon? The Word is a weapon. See how God quietly works! Every time you pick up your Bible, you’re holding a Weapon. A Weapon that when used properly can be a Weapon of mass destruction. Use what God has given you. Fight your Tempter – win against your Tempter. The Temper vs the Tempted equals a win for you and I.
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan