“Pray and Stay”
“Pray and Stay!”
These past few weeks while going through a series of teachings by our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, on Winning This Thing, we’ve learned to win by praying without ceasing and by staying under the full armor of God. We’ve learned to pray and stay.
Sounds simple, but it’s not so simple. Why? Because we are consistently under attack. Satan will not let us go easily. Therefore, we must maintain our stamina. Be strong in the Word. Pray intensely and frequently. Stay under the protection of the full armor of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” – Luke 22:42 (NIV).
As Holy Week is nearing an end, I pray that everyone will continue to be adamant in their prayers and will stay strong in the Word. During the week before Jesus was crucified, He was deep in prayer. He knew His suffering was pending but He also knew that He would rise again.
“The stone was moved so that we could get a revelation.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
The women went to the tomb to prepare Jesus for His burial, but they found that the stone had been moved and Jesus was gone. Two angels of the Lord appeared and asked why they were looking for the living among the dead, Jesus had risen.
“Then they remembered his words.” – Luke 24:8 (NIV).
The above Scripture shows Jesus is true to His Word. Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Truth. Revelation: If God says so, it is done!
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1 (NIV).
God’s Will of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was for our salvation. We may live today and experience eternal peace and life with Him in our tomorrow of no pain, no sorrow. Pray in all circumstances and conditions. Stay in the Word of God. Put on the full armor of God:
Belt of truth buckled around your waist. Breastplate of righteousness, shielding your heart. Shoes of peace fitted to your feet. Shield of faith, your trust, and belief. Helmet of salvation, covering your head. Sword of the Spirit – pray on all occasions. Read: Ephesians 6:14-18.
Stay Connected,
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan