“Are You Subscribing?”
“Are You Subscribing?”
During our Tuesday night bible class, All I Am Is an Asset, Pastor Brice posed the following question: Are you subscribing to the ministry? Take a moment, don’t answer right away, think about your individual contribution to our church ministry. As disciples of Solomon Temple Ministries International we have all taken the first step, attendance. However, our discipleship does not stop there.
“The anchor, strength, and health of our church is tied to Word, and prayer. This is also the vision of this House.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
With that said, lets go to step two, subscribing to the vision of the House. Word and prayer. Let’s start with Word. We get the Word on Sunday and on Tuesday night. On Wednesday night, life transformation classes based on Word. Prayer. Prayer is available to us each day, 06:00am to 06:15am, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 12:00 noon to 12:15pm.
“You’re either an asset or a liability to our church.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
You’re an asset when you subscribe to the vision of the House. To subscribe means to agree. When you agree with the vison or purpose of the House, you will become a useful, supportive, contributor. You become a liability when you don’t subscribe to the vision.
“We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.” – Romans 15:2 (NLT)
The above Scripture lays the foundation for you to be an asset rather than a liability to STMI. Before you even think of the word, can’t, let me show you how you can.
Be in regular attendance for Sunday morning worship service. Be in regular attendance for Tuesday bible study and Wednesday life transformation class. Be on the prayer line every morning. And last, but not least, pray for yourselves as well as others.
This is you, doing what is right and you helping others do what is right. This is you building your relationship with the Lord and you helping others build their relationship with the Lord. By being disciples, we make disciples.
Yes, I’m an asset, I’m subscribing, I’m contributing to the vision of the church. Word and prayer.
Stay Connected,
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan