“Tis the Reason!”
“Tis the Reason!”
Tis the season! This phrase is often heard during the winter holidays (Christmas and New Year). Well, since I’m going there, let’s hear the rest of the phrase written in a song about the season. Deck the Halls: Deck the halls with boughs of holly – Fa-la-la-la-la – la – la – la – la. ‘Tis the season to be jolly – Fa-la-la-la-la – la – la – la – la.
It may be the season to be jolly – happy – cheerful – festive, but none of these words depict the true meaning or reason for the Christmas season. If you did not tune in to our Sunday sermon you missed it. Pastor Brice broke it down to us. He preached from 1 Timothy 1:15-17. He also used the Message Bible transliteration so we could clearly understand the meaning of Christmas.
“Merry Christmas!” This phrase is heard quite often during this winter holiday season. Yet, we still miss the true meaning of Christmas.
“Could the “Merry” in Christmas cause us to miss it?” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
“Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” – 1 Timothy 1:15 (MSG)
“Tis the Reason!” Yes, Jesus is the Reason for the Christmas season. “Christ the Savior is born.” This should be our focus: Christ the Savior. It is not about money – shopping – traveling – partying. None of these things are able to save you. Jesus is our Savior – Jesus is our Gift.
“The gift of Jesus Christ is a gift of Mercy.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Where would we be without God’s Mercy? We wouldn’t!
Through the years we have all, yes all, gotten out of touch with the true meaning of Christmas. This is due to commercial advertising. We want to be “merry”, so to speak, so we go about our shopping, using festive decorations, planning festive dinners, and forget about the reason for celebrating Christmas. We forget about Christ in Christmas.
I challenge you: When you see the word Christmas, focus on Christ. The latter part of Christmas (mas) is an adverb that means “more” or “most”. Used as an adjective it means “but”. Ok, where am I going with this?
Christmas! But, God! We are here only because of God’s goodness and mercy. The birth of His Son was for our Salvation. So, hearing the word, Christmas should make you shout! Hallelujah!
Jesus is the Reason for the Christ-mas Season. During this Season focus on wanting more of Christ – more of His Word – more of Him.
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan