“Our Morning Prayer”
“Our Morning Prayer”
Good morning everyone! We at Solomon Temple start our day with morning prayer. If you have not done so, please join us every morning from 6:00am to 6:15am. Call: (888) 633-1082. If you would like to put in a personal prayer request, Sis. Kitty Griffin will be there to take your request starting at 5:45am until the start of our prayer.
Our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, blessed us with the Word this morning, prior to our daily prayer. This made my heart sing! Yes, it made my heart sing. Hallelujah! Heart is an action word. Our emotions stem from our heart: love – joy – peace – patience – kindness – goodness – faithfulness – gentleness – self-control. Wow! Did I just name the “fruit of the spirit”?
Read: Galatian 5:16-26 at your leisure. The apostle Paul is teaching the Galatians (and us) to live by the fruit of the spirit.
Again, we were blessed this morning to have a Word from our Pastor prior to our morning prayer. Anytime we get a Word from our Pastor is a blessing. He encouraged us to keep praying.
“Never stop praying.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT).
We can all participate in prayer by picking up the phone and calling in every morning. Continue praying short prayers for yourselves, interceding on the behalf of others, communities, local and federal government, and the world, throughout the day. End your day in prayer.
It only took a few moments for Pastor Brice to bless us with a powerful message. Stay the Course – Stay Connected – Don’t Cease – Keep Calling. Your benefits: God will…hear you – help you – hold you – and you will experience happiness. Pastor Brice encouraged us to read Psalm 61:1-8 a Psalm of David. David is praying, crying out to God for help.
“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety.” – Psalm 61:1-2 (NLT).
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan