“Are You Caught Up?”
“Are You Caught Up?”
How often do you go along with what is popular – with what the majority thinks or feels about a particular situation? Ok, we have all been victim to the majority rule or the majority opinion. We go along with the group, even though, something in our psyche is trying to get our attention. Yet, we ignore it and go along with the majority. Stop!
“Everything outside of the Word of God is wrong. The majority does not make it right.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
Pastor Brice has started a series of teachings on: “The Word of God is Right.” Psalm 119:137-144 are the guiding Scriptures.
“Righteous are you, O Lord, and your Laws are right.” – Psalm 119:137 (NIV).
Knowing that God’s Word is Right, it behooves us to put everything else to the test. Be careful not to let the crowd or group lead you into something that is outside of God and His Word. This includes simple things like deciding on what movie to watch as well as the major choice of a mate. Give this a thought.
i.e. An explicit pornographic movie vs a family oriented movie. Test: Is the movie centered around God and His Word? Would I watch the movie with my mate, children, pastor, or any of my fellow congregation members? Choosing a mate. Test: What does the Word say about marriage?
“Not aligning with the Word of God is wrong.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
The Word is your Guide to living. Live by the standards of God’s Word. Seek the things that are of Christ. Anything less will get you caught up in worldly living. Worldly living will get you caught up in going along with the majority. You’ll go along with what feels right or seems right.
“Don’t let your feeling determine what is right.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death.” – Proverbs 14:12 (NIV).
God and His Word are right. God’s Way is the Right Way! Live to obey God – Live to please God! Don’t get caught up! Live the Right Way! Ask God to order your steps in His Word.
“Christ is all, and is in all.” – Colossians 3:11b (NIV).
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan