“Would’ve – Could’ve – Should’ve”
“Would’ve – Could’ve – Should’ve”
I was just thinking about different phrases we may make during conversations with each other. These phrases are unique to our African American culture and fall under the Ebonics way of speaking.
In 1973, Dr. Robert Williams, a psychology professor at Washington University in St. Louis, coined the word Ebonics; ebony(black) and phonics to describe the English dialect spoken by African American descendants of West Africa, Caribbean, and U.S.A. slaves. Ebonics is currently known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and is spoken by black people of African rather than European descent.
In 1996 the Oakland Unified School District proposed using AAVE (Ebonics) in their public schools to teach standard English. Their goal was to help bridge the gap between students who spoke AAVE (Ebonics) and students who spoke standard English and to ultimately get more funding. This proposal caused controversy and national outrage. It would’ve – could’ve – should’ve but for the grace of God – it is not formally used in our schools today.
“If the Lord had not been on our side …” – Psalm124:1 (NIV).
Can you even imagine going through life without God – going through life without the Lord on your side? It won’t work. You need God to survive.
If not for God’s Grace – Greatness – and Guidance it will not happen. We don’t deserve what we have but we need God to make it happen. This applies to every good thing in life. God will cover you with His Grace and Mercy when you trust and believe in Him. You will make it out all right!
Our pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, spoke on this during his Sunday sermon, I Made It Out All Right. I encourage you to go to our Solomon Temple Ministries International website: solomontempleministriesinternational.org to view our sermon livestream section and listen to his sermon. You will be blessed.
“All of God’s children will make it out all right!” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan