“What’s Your Score?”
What’s your score? No, I’m not referring to your credit score or a score in any competitive game or event. I’m referring to your “integrity score”. In one of our recent Leadership Classes Pastor Brice made the statement: “Integrity is the cousin to character – character is who you are when no one is looking.”
Integrity defined: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles – moral uprightness – trustworthiness – truthfulness – fairness. You cannot fake your integrity because “it is what it is” – it is who you are. Discern what God expects from you and follow His Will in everything. Integrity rooted in the Holy Spirt may not earn your salvation, but it will be pleasing to God. Psalm 41:11-12
Integrity score? Is there such a thing? No, but it is something to reflect on. Also, reflect on this statement by Rev. Seymore Brice: “Integrity is keeping a commitment even after the circumstances have changed.” As you think about your integrity, how would you score yourself? Is your integrity acceptable to God? If God were to give scores in integrity what score would He give you? While you’re thinking ….
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan