“Watch and Pray!”
“Watch and Pray!”
In Matthew Chapter 26, Jesus went with his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He was sorrowful and troubled. (Read: Matthew 26:36-46) He told his disciples to sit while he walked along a bit further to pray. He took with Him, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee. When he started to feel more overwhelmed, he told them to sit and watch while he prayed.
“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as your will.” – Matthew 26:39 (NIV).
When Jesus returned to where His disciples were, He found them sleeping and He scolded them.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” – Matthew 26:41 (NIV).
We have a duty to pray as well as a duty to watch. I never fully understood this until this past Tuesday night during our Word Life (Bible Teaching). I was always taught to be quiet and still while someone was praying, but I never associated being quiet and still as being on watch – as being on guard – or being in agreement with the prayer.
“Prayer should be watched and guarded.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
It is our duty, as believers, to pay close attention to the prayer as it is going forth. We have a duty to be on watch and be on guard. “Touch and agree!” We must, along with the person doing the actual prayer, believe that the prayer request is already done. Believe that God will answer your prayer. Believe that your prayer will manifest, in God’s own timing. Last, but not least, we must make prayer a habit.
“Prayer ought to be our strongest – greatest habit of our life.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Pastor Brice also pointed out the elements of a prayer habit: safe (guarded) – satisfying – and supportive. Being on our (STMI) prayer line (888) 633-1082 at 6:00am to 6:15am every morning is showing our support – is touching and agreeing – is watching and guarding – is making prayer a habit. Watch and pray!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan