“Stay The Course”
“Stay The Course!”
Our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, is currently taking us through a series of teachings on staying connected to God. His focus during our Tuesday Word teaching was staying on track with God even while experiencing good times. We’re not quick to acknowledge Him while experiencing the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. Why? Because we take the credit for winning.
Ok, let’s delve a little further into your achievements. You bought a new home. How were you able to buy that new home? I have a high salary job.
Ok, so, how were you able to get that high salary job? I went to college and got my degree.
Did you receive any help along the way (path) to your degree? No, I spent a lot of sleepless nights studying so that I could pass my exams. I also prayed a lot.
Wait…what?? What was the last thing you just said. I prayed a lot??
And there it is! God! Now, do you still want to take credit for your success? If you think you did all the work, think again. God was with you every step of the way. He is our Guiding Light. You stayed on the Path – you stayed connected to God – you achieved success.
God was with you during those sleepless nights while studying. God was with you when you took your exams. God was with you while you were earning your degree. God was with you when you got your high salary job. God was with you when you bought that new car. God was with you when you bought that new home.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105 (NIV).
As we navigate through life, we’ll have our ups and downs – our highs and our lows – the rain and the sunshine. However, the key to winning is keeping God with you every step of the way. Stay the Course whether happy or sad – through the good and the bad. Let Him light the way. Let Him light your path.
“We have good days and bad days. God must be with you during good times and bad times.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Praise Him for all He has done for you! He brought you through! Always praise Him!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan