“Put Word On It!”
“Put Word on It!”
For the past few weeks Pastor Victor S. Brice has been teaching on “Staying the Course While Facing Trouble”. His teachings have been centered around Psalm 119. Psalm 119 has an anonymous writer, but he is a writer we can all identify with.
Fact: Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible.
I brought out this fact just to get your attention. Read, Psalm 119 in its entirety. Get the Word in your heart – mind – spirit. The writer will take you through his ups and downs – his struggles and good times, just like we experience today. However, as you read, pay attention to one key factor in this Psalm…
“He was always in touch with the Lord.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
Yes, no matter what he was going through, he was always in touch with the Lord. His hope (faith) in God never wavered. During his struggles, he cried out to the Lord. Also, during good times he praised God’s Holy Name.
God’s Word is (what we people of modern times call) magic. So, why magic? Because God’s Word will and can provide unimaginable results. Therefore, the correct word to use in describing God’s Word is, Pure, or Guarantee. God’s Word is a Guarantee that whatever He promises, He will perform – whatever He promises will happen.
“Every word of God is pure. He is a shield to those who put their trust in him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NKJV).
God is our Provider – our Protector – our All in All. Everything we have comes from the Lord. Yes, everything! God will place you in situations of trouble, conflicts, disputes so that you will learn to call on Him. Yes, call on Him during troubled times, you will get the win. Put the Word of God on your troubling situations. He will see you through them.
Trust in the Lord. Do not waiver – do not doubt. Put Word on it! Trust – Believe – Receive!
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan