“Do You Have the Right Attitude?”
During one of our Thursday night Bible Study conference calls Pastor Brice, teaching on “The Dangers of Disobedience”, said that the highest praise we could give our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is “Yes, Lord!” However, “You have to have the right attitude!” The right attitude will keep you connected to God.
Read: Jonah Chapter 1 and 2 (Jonah disobeyed God and was swallowed by a fish.)
“Yes, Lord!”, would have kept Jonah connected to God. Disobedience will separate you from the Power Source. Obedience will keep you Connected. “Your attitude will affect your latitude.” Don’t hinder God’s Power – Purpose – Peace – Presence! Stay with God!
Join us at The Temple! Be encouraged and spiritually empowered by the Word of God, with Pastor Victor S. Brice and his ministerial staff.
Stay Connected!
Othella Hill-Jordan