“Destination, 2020”
“Destination, 2020”
Have you made the decision as to where you are going in 2020? What’s your destination for 2020? No, I’m not referring to fun, relaxation, or a pleasure vacation or getaway. I’m referring to growing your relationship with God. How do you get there?
“Stop hanging out with losers.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
This may sound harsh, but it’s a must do, because losers will take you where they are going: “Destination – nowhere!”
“In order to be a success, you must surround yourself with success.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
You can’t build success while staying content with your relationship with God. It’s time to take your relationship with God to the next level. Time to build on your relationship with God. No matter how good – how strong – your relationship – there will always be room for growth.
Set your 2020 destination for spiritual growth – to grow your relationship with God. How do you get there? Under the leadership and teachings of our pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice. Pastor Brice is our soul watcher. He is being led by the Holy Spirit – he is under God’s Supervision to watch over our souls. He is a man of God. Trust him to lead you in the right direction.
Read: Exodus Chapter 14. God gave instructions to Moses, which Moses gave to the Israelites. The Israelites followed Moses’ instructions and were delivered. The sea was parted, the Israelites crossed the sea on dry land.
There will be roadblocks, from time to time. Roadblocks are natural – take them in stride. Life happens. Life will always get in the way of your plans. Give the controls to God. He will either take you around them or create a path straight through them. Put your plans in God’s hands and wait on miraculous results.
As God delivers on His Promises, your faith and trust in God will grow. But, don’t stop there. Continue to grow your plans and watch as they continue to succeed. Remember: You are not alone – stop acting like it. Step out on faith. Let faith work for you! Destination, 2020 – success!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan