“Are You All In?”
“Are You All In?”
Are you all in? Locked in? Do I have your full attention? Being a member of any team requires participation – motivation – dedication – concentration. It requires you to be in sync with all members of the team – be on the same page – have the same goal – the same mind-set.
Pastor Brice, being led by the Holy Spirit, has called on us, Solomon Temple, to join in a “Fast and pray”. We will focus totally on God – we will separate ourselves from everything except God. “Fast and pray” 7 hours a day for 7 days. You can pick the 7 hours. Our shepherd knows that if he picked the hours there would be some resistance: “I can’t!” “I have commitments!” Therefore, to eliminate excuses, he has asked us to pick the hours. Will you be ready?
“If you want to be victorious, put faith on it. Faith puts a smile on God’s face.”– Pastor Victor S. Brice
Without hesitation we will step out on faith. We will seek Him first. Keeping God in it is the only way to win it! Keep your mind stayed on Jesus. He is the Fast in your “Fast and pray”. He is the Head of your life – He is Head of your team.
Quit trying to do things on your own. You are not alone – stop acting like it! You’ve heard from your shepherd, your coach. You have your instructions. Your next order of business is to go directly to the Head of the team. Go directly to God!
“A coach will represent the team by setting the tone for the team.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
You already know that our shepherd, coach, man of God has already prayed on it. Our coach will lead the team, God will see us through to the win. Put your whole heart into it. Trust and believe with your whole heart.
“I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.” – Joshua 14:8 (NIV)
Start now, go into prayer now because the “Fast and pray” is coming. God is Power – Cohesiveness – Winning – God is Fast! Be all in! Fast and pray! It’s already done!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan