“Who Are You Listening To?”
During our Tuesday Night Bible Study, Pastor Brice made the following opening statement: “Tonight, I will use this one word – control – to launch a lesson that will feed our souls.” He followed-up with this statement: “We as humans love to be in control, our nature is to be in control.” With that said, where does control lead us?
Having control, of any situation, can lead to a lot of trouble. Why? Because, God did not call us to be in control of our lives. God controls our lives – our marriages – our decisions. We are powerless people – control is not an option. God’s Power is in His Name – God’s Power is in His Control – God’s Power is in His Way. “Let go and let God have His Way!” Be a follower of God. Read: Luke 9:23 – Proverbs 16:20 – Psalm 37:23-24
Listen to God! God is in Control! Stop listening to people who are not in control. Pastor Brice gave us 8 different reasons why we should: “Let go and let God!” Listening to or following the wrong people will disconnect you from God. Meet us here at The Temple for further teachings on control and for inspirational lessons that will feed your soul. Plus, much, much more. Until then ……
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan