“What Kind of Work Do You Do?”
“What Kind of Work Do You Do?”
“Team-work makes the dream work.” How often do you hear this statement? It’s possible that you won’t hear this statement at all if you’re not part of a team. However when you work with one or more persons as a team in: church, employment, sports, entertainment, etc., you’ll hear this, oh, so true, statement quite often.
No matter what your skillset, when you combine your skills with those of another, it makes for a winning combination. God gave each of us gifts and skills so that we may glorify Him by using what He has given us to help each other – to work together – to build each other up.
“Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.” – 1 Corinthians 12:14 (NIV)
The church body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are strongest when working together in unity – working as a team. Teamwork is the key to doing God’s will.
“Churches that make a difference operate as a unit.” – Pastor V.S. Brice
Be on one accord with each other. Opposing goals – goals that move in opposite directions – will never end in collaboration – you’ll never accomplish anything – you’ll never win. You’ll be like the “energizer bunny” or a story without an end. You’ll keep going, going, and going. You must set goals – achieve those goals – then set new goals. God will keep lifting you!
“God puts us together and expects us to achieve goals.” – Pastor V.S. Brice
Yes, you can, and you will achieve some things on your own. However, you must get God involved. Let your light shine with the light of others, it will become a beacon – a fiery, guiding light that is pleasing to God. You’ll have miraculous accomplishments when your team is God-Centered.
What kind of work do you do? The correct answer: “Teamwork. I’m on God’s Team.”
“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan