“What Is Your Passion?”
“What is Your Passion?”
We all have a passion for something. What is yours? To be clear, passion is a strong, intense, feeling – enthusiasm – pleasure – excitement for something or about doing something. Inserting the word love for passion will give you the most correct meaning. Thinking back on one of the most descriptive actions for love… “Love conquers all!” This may be the truest meaning of love because God is Love and so much more! Conqueror – Controller – Provider – Protector – Peace – Joy – Serenity – Strength. And the list goes on. Therefore, if God is Love, is He also Passion? Let’s think about this for a minute.
During our Sunday sermon on, “Energy for Ministry” (Part – 5) Pastor Brice made the statement:
“Passion will eliminate every excuse – obliterate all opposition – annihilate every attack.”
Sounds like the work of the Holy Spirit to me. Would we, in our earthly realm, be able to do all the above; eliminate – obliterate – annihilate, without the help of the Holy Spirit? No – nope – naw! Nehemiah chapters one through thirteen, God gave Nehemiah the energy – the passion – and the drive to complete the task of rebuilding, restoring, Jerusalem both literally and spiritually.
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” – Romans 12:6 (NIV).
God has given all of us gifts so that we may use them to glorify His Name. However, we tend to use our gifts for our satisfaction and not the way God intended – especially when our gifts bring us fame and fortune. With fame and fortune, we get the “big head” and start thinking we are all that. We’ve let our gifts, along with our passion, lead us in the wrong direction. The wrong direction leads to destruction.
Time to detour – time to turn – time to head in the Right direction.
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” – Colossians 3:2 (NIV).
Setting your mind on the things above is heading in the Right direction. Your mindset must be to put God first in all you do. Your passion will follow your mindset. Again, what is your passion?
“Use your passion to serve the Lord!”
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan