“Taste Like More!”
“Taste Like More”
A couple of weeks ago I had an encounter with an acquaintance that I hadn’t seen in a few years. We started talking about our perspective churches. She admitted that she had not attended her church in quite some time because she felt that she wasn’t being fed by the preached sermons. I’ve heard more than one person give “not being fed” as a reason to stop attending church. Have you ever been M.I.A. (missing in action) from church because you felt like the pastor wasn’t giving you what you needed? Let’s think on this a moment.
Sitting under the teachings of a man of God waiting to get fed is not what attending church is about.
Worship service is all about preaching and partaking. To be fed you must partake – to partake is to eat – drink – or join in. Can you honestly say that you partake – join in – the worship service? If you don’t join in, you won’t get fed. So, stop blaming the pastor for not getting fed when you don’t do your part – it’s all on you!
“I will pour out my Spirit on all people.” – Joel 2:28 (NIV).
Your pastor will give you a Word that will evoke the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will have you hungry, thirsting, for more of the Word. It falls on you to take the Word that the pastor gives you during worship service and continue with that Word throughout the week. We are servants of God – we’ve been saved to serve – we must be steadfast in our service – we must do our part.
As a child, I was taught how to cook by both my parents. As I grew more accomplished in my cooking skills, I would try out different recipes. I would ask my mom to taste test my new recipe. Whenever she would say: “Taste like more!” I knew it was good – I was on the right track.
This is how we should feel when we leave our worship service; “Taste like more!” Leave with a feeling of wanting to taste more of what was given. You won’t be full (but you will have been fed) you can never be full of the Word, but you can want more. This should lead you to seek Him – serve Him – spread the gospel – make disciples.
Pay attention to your pastor when he is delivering The Message. Let the Word seep into your heart – your mind. Let the word marinate your taste buds so that when you leave the Building you’ll leave feeling; “Taste like more!”
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan