“Something About You”
“Something About You”
We all know that as Christians we will always be watched with a critical eye. Why is that? As soon as you profess to be a Believer you will sense a change in the demeanor of the person you are speaking with. Sometimes, you will get an: “Oh!” Now what is that supposed to mean? “Oh!” I’m glad you asked. “Oh!” means you don’t act like a Christian. Ok, getting ready to step on some toes. I know this to be true because I was once a recipient of this; “Oh!”
Yes, I was taken aback at first, but then I did some introspection of my actions as a Christian. I thought about my mother always telling me that: “People should see God in you.” Wow! For me to receive that “Oh!” meant I wasn’t walking in my belief. People were not seeing God in me. I had work to do.
“Something about you should attract people. You should be appealing to people.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Pastor Brice was teaching his ninth segment on: “How I Move Matters” with the focus on – “Christian Style”. Others should be able to tell by your walk that you are a Believer. There must be no question about your faith. There must be no question about your love for Jesus.
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” – John 8:34 (NIV).
This Scripture means for us to deny our natural sin habits and follow Jesus. Jesus is the way to the Father – Jesus will break the stronghold that is keeping you enslaved to sin. This is a Spiritual move – a move Christian style – a move of faith – a move of love.
For others to see God in you is a testament to your faith – your love for Jesus. Falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I’ve ever done. (Yes, Jonathon Butler wrote a song about this.) Your love for Jesus will show in how you treat others – how you interact with others – how you love others. It will be the something about you that will attract others.
So, lets all eliminate that “Oh!”. Walk in the Word – walk in faith – walk in the love of Jesus. Let the Light that lives in you shine so there will be no question that you are a child of God. Let the Light shine so others will know there is… “Something about you!”
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan