“Death …where is your sting – Sting …where is your grave – Grave … where is your Victory? He got Up! – God raised Him Up! – He got Up! – All Power in His Hands!”
These words that were written in song by, Edwin Hawkins, and sung by people all over the world, has great significance – great meaning – great connotation –great momentousness. He got Up! This exclamation is significant, in itself. This significance started with the discovery by the women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (mother of the disciple James).
It is significant that due to the diligence of the women – they got up early on the First Day of the week (on Sunday morning) and brought with them fragrant spices to prepare their Master for a proper burial. It is also significant that unbeknown to the women, their Savior had gotten up even earlier. Significant Note: With all Power in His Hands!
It is significant that the women found the empty tomb, it is significant that an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven – calmly asked the women to not be afraid – told the women that Jesus had risen – told the women to run and tell Jesus’ disciples that they would soon see Him.
“Go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee.’” – Matthew 28:7 (NIV).
Diligent women (and men) on a mission cannot be stopped. Their diligence will not waver – they will not quit until their mission is complete.
“I can keep going because of the strength of my hope. My hope keeps me going. There is an empty grave – He has Risen!” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Be the diligent woman on a mission – or be the diligent man on a mission. Never let your diligence waver. There will be moments that make you feel like quitting. Don’t quit! Don’t give up! Remain steadfast! Press on towards your goal! Let the strength of your hope sustain you. Your hope, like your salvation, is a free gift from God. Let your hope be the magnet that draws others to Christ. Be a disciple of hope. Pass it on. Be the significance! He has His Hands on you!
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan