“Meet Me at The House”
“Meet Me at The House!”
I’m calling all my STMI family and friends to meet me at the House, Solomon Temple Ministries International. I’m even giving the address: 655 California Av – Pittsburg, CA 94565, because it looks like some of you have forgotten where the House is. Ok, so maybe giving the address is a bit over the top but, I’m sure you get my intent. I’m just saying, because we’re in the House and we’re waiting on you. We miss you!
Question: Do you know Who you belong to? “I am a son / daughter of God.” Yes!
“He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:2 (NIV).
Being a son/daughter of God comes with responsibilities. Being in the House when the doors of the church are open is one of them. No excuses – no exceptions! We have social media. Praise God for social media. However, social media is for those who absolutely cannot worship in person. Sick – disabled (no caretaker to assist them) – housed in a nursing home or care facility – a video tool used when unable to meet in person. Social media got us through the worst of the pandemic. Though it is not completely over, it is time. Return to the House.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV).
Let go of your doubts – your anxiety. Pray on them and follow God’s instructions. Let go and let God lead you back to the House. God has kept you through the hand sanitizing – face mask wearing – social distancing. Let God put a hedge of protection around you while in His House.
Return to the House. Feel the ushering in of the Holy Spirit. Experience a feeling that words cannot describe. Experience a feeling that only God can provide. It is by His Grace and Mercy that you are here today. God our Provider – Comforter – Healer – Deliverer – our All-In-All.
Meet me at the House! God wants to see you in His House on Sunday.
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan