“Living On the Edge”
“Living On the Edge?
What does it mean to live on the edge? You may have heard a friend or relative excitedly talk about a thrill ride on a rollercoaster, or ziplining over a canyon, or maybe even bungy jumping from a bridge. There are also those who go water rafting – parachuting – hang gliding. They all fall under the category of thrill seekers. Thrill seekers live on the edge.
Living on the edge is taking risks and seeking excitement (rush – fun – thrill) through dangerous situations that most people would not consider. Living on the edge pushes your limits physically, mentally, and spiritually.
“Stop living on the edge, you’ll fall away from Christ.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice.
All right, my thrill-seeking friends, my living on the edge friends, do you remember to include God in your plans?
Always include God in your plans! Never leave home without Him. Always keep God in it!
This is one concept that my parents instilled in me as a young child, growing up here in California. We always need God’s Protection, especially my living on the edge, thrill-seeking friends. Without God, you’re vulnerable – you leave yourself open for a takeover.
Satan will disguise himself as a fun loving – thrill seeking – rush of pleasure having friend. Living on the edge without God, is an invitation for Satan to take charge. (Yes, just like that!)
Satan will lead you to feel the excitement – to feel the thrill rush while he is slowly devouring your soul. You’ll be like the grape that fell off the vine and slowly rotted away because it was no longer connected to the vine.
Once disconnected from the Vine, your soul will be sin-ripe for take-over by Satan. Your Joy – your Peace – your Way out of no way – your Provider –your Protector will wait on you to come to your senses. Meanwhile, Satan will sink his teeth into you, and you will slowly start to die.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NIV).
Do I need to say more?
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Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan