“How Is Your Relationship With God?”
“How is your relationship with God?” A couple of Sundays ago, Pastor Brice preached on #Reconciliation Ready. Let’s talk about reconciliation. What is reconciliation?
Reconciliation is the process by which God and people are brought together again. Through the sacrifice of Christ, our sins are atoned for and God’s wrath is appeased. A relationship of hostility and alienation is changed into one of peace and friendship. (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Pastor Brice stated, “Reconciliation is not about religion, it’s about relationships, loving God and loving your neighbor is a relationship.” A relationship with God will sustain your relationship with others. The key to a successful relationship is to make it a priority, make sure it is pure, and enjoy the power of togetherness as you gain access to the peace and provisions of God. So: How is your relationship with God?
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan