“How Do You Know When …..?”
“How Do You Know When…..?”
During our Tuesday Night Bible Class, Pastor Brice asked: “Do I really love the Lord?” This question was meant for each of us to put before ourselves. My first response: “Yes! I really love the Lord!” Then, I thought about my answer, and asked myself: “How do I know this to be true?”
I started thinking about all the good things God has done for me, my family, friends, and people I associate with. Then I started thinking about my community, local and federal government, the world. We are in the middle of a pandemic that has spread worldwide, although thousands have gotten sick and died, there are still thousands who have recovered, and even more that have never gotten sick. “But, God!” “But for the mercy, of God!”
It is hard to put a measure on how much you love God. Why? Because, God has done some immeasurable things for each, and everyone, of us. You simply cannot put a measure on what God has done for you, me, us, the world.
“What I love sets the pace for my life. It captures my attention, time, energy, and I will attach myself to it.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
So, lets think on these terms set by our Pastor. Attention – time – energy – attachment. Also…
“There is a correlation between love of the Word and how you live your life.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Now, I’m ready to answer the question: Does the Word of God have my attention? “Yes!” Do I spend time in the Word of God? “Absolutely!” Do I expend energy doing the work of the Lord? “Yes!” Am I attached to the Word of God? “Absolutely!” Do I live my life according to His Word? “I try to, this is an on-going process.”
Now it is your turn! Put the above questions to your life. How did you fare? Do you really love the Lord? Can you relate to the psalmist in Psalm 119:97 (NIV) when he says: “Oh, how I love your law (Word)!”?
So, in order to know, that you know, that you know, you must confirm that the Word of God has your attention – your time – your energy – and your attachment. Then, and only then, will you be able to truthfully say: “I love the Word, I love the Lord!”
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blog – Othella Hill-Jordan