“Have You Forgotten?”
“Have You Forgotten?”
Have you forgotten? This is definitely a question that needs to be clarified. Have I forgotten what? I’m glad you asked. “Have you forgotten Who I Am?” Sounds like God talking!
“Have you forgotten where your help comes from? Have you forgotten what I have done for you?”
“Yet, how quickly they forgot what he had done!” – Psalm 106:13 (NLT)
“Forgetting God leads to rebellion – makes us do foolish things.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Just one more question: Why is it when we are healthy, happy, and successful: good job, nice home, money flowing in, etc., that we forget where it all came from? Because we get the “bighead” and start thinking we did that! We forget Who has blessed us with everything we have.
The thought process of a person who has forgotten: “Look at me! I’m moving in a circle of friends that include the mayor, judges, and celebrities.” Or, it could go something like this: “I just bought a new home, I’m driving a new car, I have a good job. Look at me, I’m successful and intelligent. I’ve got this!”
Whoa! Stop! Hold up! Stop walking around popping your collar! Now ask yourself: “Where did it all start? Where did it all come from? Who brought you up when you were at your lowest? Who healed you when you were sick? Who made it possible for you to get that job – put food on your table – a roof over your head – a car to drive?”
Do you need a minute? “God!” What? I can’t hear you! “God!” Exactly! Give Him all the glory – praise – and honor! Everything you have started with and belongs to Him! Praise Him!
“So, he declared he would destroy them.” – Psalm 106:23 (NLT)
“Forgetting God ignites God’s anger.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
Read: Exodus Chapter 32 (The Golden Calf Incident.) The people had forgotten God and turned to worshipping a golden calf (an idol). God was angered and ready to destroy them. However, Moses interceded on behalf of the people. He begged God to turn from His anger and not destroy them.
How can you get someone to intercede on your behalf?
I encourage you to get under the leadership and guidance of our shepherd, Pastor Victor S. Brice – Solomon Temple Ministries International. He is being led by God. Teaching us to obey the Word and to walk (live) according to His Word. He is also showing us how to reach out to others by sharing the Word, thus drawing them to Christ.
We welcome you to connect with us, STMI, and connect with God. Put God first and foremost in your life. Don’t forget! God’s got you!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan