“God Is Good!”
“God Is Good!”
“God is Good!” “All the time!” “All the time!” “God is Good!” We hear this phrase quite often, but what does it really mean? Exactly what it says! Can this be said of you? Of any human? No! “Of course, not!” Simply because we are human. No human will be always the same.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8 (NIV).
We, humans, like the blowing wind, will change with the flow. Whether changing from good to bad or bad to good, change is inevitable. We live in a competitive world and will always strive to achieve more or do better than our parents – neighbors – family members – associates. However, we must be on guard because not everyone wants to see you succeed. We must watch for the people who try to change our successes into failures.
What would happen if God was forever changing and changed His Mind about our Salvation? Exactly! Trust (faith) is the foundation of our relationship with God. We are saved by acknowledging (agreeing) that Jesus is the Son of God – that Jesus died, and God resurrected Him three days later. We are saved by inviting Jesus into our hearts – by calling on Him for divine assistance (intercession on our behalf). Only Jesus can take our requests directly to God. Our faith allows us to receive the righteousness of God.
“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” – Romans 10:10 (NIV).
“We have a guarantee of our salvation through the Word of God – by the Work of Christ – and by the Witness of the Holy Spirit. – Pastor Victor S. Brice
God – Christ – Holy Spirit. Word – Work – Witness. Pray, ask God His Plans for you – be attentive to what God wants you to do – walk (live) in the change He wants you to make. He, without a doubt, wants you to succeed – He wants you to win – He wants good things for you. God is Good and He won’t change – “He’ll do again what He did before – He’s the same today yesterday and forever more.”
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan