“Are You Ready?”
“Are You Ready?”
Are you ready? This question is usually asked by someone who is waiting on you and can pertain to many different situations. For this writing, I’ll be referring to your spiritual – mental – preparedness. Also, keep in mind that good things do come to those who wait. (A true cliché.) So, a better question would be: “Are you ready for the Lord?” Keeping in step with Pastor Brice’s teaching on; “How I Move Matters!”, “Are you ready for the Lord to move you?”
“He makes it possible for us to be available for His Work.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice
God will open the door for you. When he does, walk right on in. A good mindset: “Here I am Lord, I’m available, use me!” He made you and molded you – now, it is time to be available for Him to move you. (Make me – mold me – move me!) He will equip you with whatever you need to make your move. Let Him! Faith (Believe) – Flattery (Praise) – Follow (Obey)! You are guaranteed to win with this combination.
“For in him we live and move and have our being.” – Acts 17:28 (NIV).
God, our Creator, created us to live in Him and move in Him. What does this mean? This means that He is in control of His creation (us) and we are nothing without Him. We must stop trying to control what God has created. We must let go and let God! We all know this, but when things are going great for us (when in a successful and happy place, so to speak) we get off track and make the mistake of thinking that we orchestrated our own successful moves. We must stop trying to take credit for how God is moving in our lives. Yes, our moves matter, but we sometimes make the wrong moves. God’s Moves are always the right moves at the right time.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19 (NIV).
People get ready, there’s a movement coming. You don’t need a ticket; you just get on board. All you need is Faith – Flattery – Follow. (Ok, so I stole part of the song: “People Get Ready”.) Just trying to make a point. Your moves matter and they won’t cost you anything, but you will reap mercy, goodness, and peace of God when you let Him take control of your moves – when you let God guide your moves.
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Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan