“Are You Incognito?”
“Are You Incognito?”
Pastor Brice is taking us through a series of teachings on prayer and witnessing – bringing others to Christ. He recently preached: “Christian Camaraderie – How We Interact With Each Other.” He stressed the point that we have social deeds as well as spiritual deeds or responsibilities that we need to practice. Our social deeds are: 1) Honesty 2) Love 3) Being Humble 4) Diligent 5) Helpful 6) Kind and 7) Compassionate. Refer: Romans 12:9-15 for confirmation.
Pastor Brice also gave us a list of spiritual deeds that we should put into practice. We’ll talk about those another time. Right now, with social deeds in mind, we’re going to talk about being incognito. To be incognito is to conceal your identity. Who does that? People with fame (a word I use loosely) athletes – entertainers: music – movies – comedy, etc.
We routinely practice the majority of the 7 social deeds at some point in our daily lives. But, did you know that when you do not speak up – speak out – or share who God Is, you’re being incognito – you’re concealing your identity? Sharing the Good News should be your mantra.
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’” Mark 16:15 (NIV)
Picture this: You and your daughter are standing in line at the airport and the woman in front of you strikes up a conversation and tells you all about her daughter who is out of control. She’s at her wits end not knowing how to handle the situation. As she is talking you sympathize with her, and maybe even blame the daughter’s actions on her generational mindset. After the woman walks away, your daughter: “Mom who was that? Where do you know her from?” You: “I’ve never met her before today.”
“God don’t need any incognito saints – undercover agents!” – Pastor V.S. Brice
Missed opportunity? Did you just miss the opportunity to share the gospel – to share the Good News? Yes! This was the perfect time to inquire if she knew about the power of prayer – or if she knew the Lord? Most important: “Can I pray for you and your daughter?” and “I know a place where you can go to get healed –a place where you can get the right mindset – a place where you can get in alignment with God!”
Declare It – from the roof-tops, if you must! Shout! The Good News is to be shared boldly! Share – what He has done for you – what He will do for you – and what He is doing for you! Speak up – speak out! Let His Light reveal your true, identity! Don’t be incognito! Witness!
Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan