“Are You a Breakaway Saint?”
“Are You a Breakaway Saint?”
To break away from something can be either good or bad. For instance: To break away from a smoking habit; good, because smoking is bad for your health. To break away from a cussing habit; good because unkind words can hurt. To break away from God. Yes, you already know!
A break-away saint is one who knows the Word of God, practices the Word of God, but from time to time will knowingly let the sin in them prevail and break away from God. i.e., Going to the 49’er vs Cowboys football game instead of going to church. Knowing that you are doing wrong but making excuses for it. “I’ll pray and ask for forgiveness later.” Or, going on a shopping spree at the mall, instead of going to church, because you want something cute to wear to your work luncheon the next day.
I said that to say this: We get down on our knees and pray, believing, that God will answer our prayers. Why? Because His Word tells us:
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV).
So, we pray to God, believing that He will answer. However, we’re forgetting one important fact. We forget about our break-away. Ooops! Yes, that part! We all know that God is Truth – God’s Word is Truth. So, we pray believing that God will answer because His Word says so. Stop! There is more to this story. God’s Word also says:
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” – John 15:7 (NIV).
Is being a break-away saint remaining in Him? I don’t think so! Being a breakaway saint will cause you to lose your prayer benefits. Wow! Yes, reflect on this for a few minutes. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Stop being a break-away saint!
“We must take ownership of what we do because what we do matters.” and “Abide in the Master – let His Word abide in you.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice (note: These are 2 separate quotes.)
Our pastor has been teaching a series on prayer and the way we move matters. Both are critical in our walk with Christ. I wish I had the space and time to re-write notes taken during this series. It behooves you to be in the House on Sunday mornings – be on the prayer line, everyday 6am to 6:15am – be on the Tuesday night, Word Life, teachings on Face Book and teleconference line (7pm) – be on the Life Transformation zoom conference on Wednesday nights (7pm) – be on the noon prayer call, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. These are the many opportunities for you to stay connected to God. You can connect to one or all of them. But …. Stay Connected!
Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan