Today at the Temple | Nov 25
Turn up! Turn up! The Spirit Turned Up and Showed out again! I can’t even begin to tell you how much of a good time we have at Solomon Temple. We have such a good time because we know that God is Good. Isn’t He? His presence was high at the Temple this Sunday as the saints praised Him in prayer, song and dance. Our souls poured out and Blessed the Lord. We are Grateful to Him every day and especially during this Thanksgiving Holiday Season. As Pastor Victor S. Brice continues to teach about the importance of having a relationship with God, we must learn how to be obedient to Him. Listen to the voice of God and to trust what He is doing in our lives. Some of us are bodacious enough to protest God.
What say you? Complaining about your station and situation are acts of protest against God. Don’t’ complain. Be grateful. Be thankful. Pray for growth and increase instead of complaining. We should also remember that we are in a two-sided relationship. We have needs, but have you stopped to think that God has needs? What?? Yes. Dear hearts — in order for this relationship to grow, God needs us to stay in His will by giving thanks in all things. God needs us to be obedient to His Word.
Good needs us to acknowledge Him during the good and bad times. If things are upside down in your life Throw them hands up! Throw them hands up! Lift your voice and praise Him because our Father will hear you and will surely Turn Up for you! Be thankful in all things and acknowledge the Lord. It is the will of God concerning you. The sweet Holy Spirit moved several saints to acknowledge His power with their prayer requests — acknowledging that when one or two are gathered in His name, He will be in the midst. Hallelujah! Glory to God.
If you’re in the Pittsburg, CA area, I encourage you to join us on Sunday mornings. Come taste and see that the Lord is Good. Your spirit will be fed.
Blog Written By: Sis. Delores Walker
Posted By: Rev. Samuel S. Brice – Assistant to the Pastor