“Putting the Fire Out”


January 26, 2018








Are you putting wood on the fire?  Yes, I’m talking to you! Now, you’re thinking to yourself: “I’m not trying to build a fire!”

 Pastor Brice has been giving a series of teachings on “Maturing Spiritually”.  Part of our spiritual growth is in knowing how to respond when pain/trouble comes. (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

God’s Will for us is to give thanks in all of our circumstances. All! Pastor Brice gave the analogy: When we Praise God during our pain/trouble “we are putting the fire out”.  However, when we

complain, mumble and grumble during our pain/trouble, “we are putting wood on the fire”. 

To keep that analogy going: Let’s all be Christian Firefighters and work on putting out fires, rather than adding fuel (wood) to the fires.  Meanwhile, stay Connected!



Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan


God Has a Purpose for You

January 11, 2018





Pastor Brice delivered a powerful message during our Sunday Morning Worship Service on,  “Purpose in My Pain” – 2 Corinthians 4:17

“Our struggles are designed to work in our favor. God will take our tests and turn them into testimonies.”  – Pastor Brice

God has a purpose for your struggles. Praise God through your temporary struggles because He is preparing you for the everlasting, eternal glory with Him.  He is there to help you through your struggles. Connect with Him! Seek Him!





Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan


Get Ready – Get Set – Grow!

January 5, 2018





“Get Ready – Get Set – Grow!”

 Are you willing to let God do a new thing?  2018 is a good time to start your new thing: attitude – opportunity – position – quest – pursuit – journey.    (read) Isaiah 43:18-19

God wants to do a new thing in you.  He is making a way for you.  Pastor Brice shared with us that – “God majors in newness, it will work in your favor.”

 Get ready – clear your mind of all negativity.  Leave it open to Positivity, the Holy Spirit.

Get set – let go of old pain, old guilt, old attitudes, old things. You cannot experience the new while holding on to the old.  Leave your old baggage behind.   

Grow in the Word of God – God is your guide to renew and newness. Let God bless you!

Until we connect again, Grow!


Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

Have a Good Day



December 20, 2017





How often are you greeted by someone with, “Hello!” …… (and then) …  “Have a good day!”?

Pastor Brice – “If God was not a part of your day – you didn’t have a good day!”


Meditate: Proverbs 3:5-6 and apply daily.  Oh yeah, “Have a good day!”


Stay Connected,


Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

“Cry Out to God”

December 15, 2017





If you ever start to doubt, cry out to Him!  “God, if you are real – show me!” – Pastor V.S. Brice. Read: Proverbs 3:6. “When you make God a vital part of everything you do He will guide you.”

Until we connect again,




Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan


Spiritual Check Up

December 14, 2017




Our New Members Class teacher, Rev. Seymore Brice, “We all need a Spiritual check-up!”  Pray: Psalm 139:23-24 and Reflect! What is your diagnosis?


Stay in prayer – stay connected,




Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

“God Works for the Good”


December 7, 2017





During our Bible Study, Pastor Brice made the statement: “God works for the good – has nothing to do with you.”  Read: Romans 8:28 and …. Contemplate!

“God’s Word is Truth, and Scripture does not contradict itself.” – Rev. V.S. Brice, Pastor

Until we connect again,


Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

Spiritual Balance



December 1, 2017




Pastor Brice, shared, “Good supportive leaders have balance, but not brakes.”  Powerful!  He  was talking about balancing our spiritual needs with our worldly deeds. He gave 4 areas that we need to balance: worship, work, rest, play.  How do you balance and not go to the extreme?  Join us at Solomon Temple Ministries International for answers to questions like this and more!

Reasons 7 & 8 for: “Why you shouldn’t miss church?”  7) Combines our Spiritual strength in prayer.  8) Honors the Lord’s Day.  Thank you for staying connected.  Blessings!

Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

When God Is’nt There





November 16, 2017



“When God Isn’t There”

 Hello from the Temple…….

Do you sometimes feel like God isn’t there?  This will be a yes answer, for most Christians, even if the feeling was fleeting or momentary. A no answer, you’ve never questioned your trials, tribulations, sadness, or troubles of any kind.


“Don’t equate your position, with God’s Ability!” This is a quote from Pastor Brice during our Sunday morning worship service. (Read Isaiah 40:27-31)  God is Aware, God is Able, and God is Available.  Let The Word govern your life.


Reasons 5 & 6 for, “Why you shouldn’t miss church?”   5) Fellowship with other believers.

6) Provides accountability to your Spiritual leaders. Reasons 7 & 8 when we connect again.  Blessings!


Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan

“Don’t Waste Grace”

  November 8, 2017


“Don’t Waste Grace!”



As promised, 2 more of the 8 reasons: “Why you shouldn’t miss church?”  3) Spiritual cleansing on a systematic basis. 4) Scripture dictates attend church the first day of the week. (Acts 20:7)

At Noon Day Bible Study, Pastor Brice said, “Don’t waste Grace!”  Wasting grace is something that is not intentional but is something we may have all done at one time or another. The grace that God freely gives us requires action on our part. When we don’t act, we are wasting our gift.  What action can you take?  Pass it on! Proclaim! Evangelize! It is our responsibility to share testimonies and teachings about God and how He works. (1 Corinthians 15:3)

Let’s connect again! Reasons 5 & 6 coming up for “Why you shouldn’t miss church?”  In the meantime, “Don’t waste Grace!”

Solomon Temple Ministries International  –  Blogger  –  Othella Hill-Jordan