“I’ve Got Your Back!”


“I’ve Got Your Back!”

“I’ve got your back!” “I got you!”  How many times have you heard someone say these words? How many times did the person who said these words come through for you? Depending on the person uttering these words, these words can mean a lot, or they can mean absolutely nothing. As we go through life, we eventually come to know who we can depend on and who we can’t.

i.e., As a child, I was small for my age and would get picked on by the bigger kids at school. That was, until  they saw that I was from a large family and if they got in a fight with me (any one of us), they had to fight all of us. Yes, I was protected! My brothers and sisters had my back! 

While here on this earth, we will always go through some things. But I know a Name – I know a Name you can call on at any time, morning, noon time, mid-night hour. There is Power in His Name – there is Comfort, in His Name – there is Healing, in His Name  – there’s Protection in His Name – there is Love – Joy – Peace in His Name!  God! Our Father, Who art in Heaven! God has made promises that He will keep. Call to Him! He will answer you! He will direct your path through your life’s journey.

Live not – struggle not! There will be struggles, problems, throughout our lives. God never promised us a problem-free or struggle-fee life. He did promise to “Never leave nor forsake us.” He has kept His promise.

In our women’s Zoom class, we are reading the book: “Don’t Give the Enemy A Seat At Your Table” by Louie Giglio. The concept of this book is on Psalm 23.  First Lady Tara Brice was leading the discussion:

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4 (KJV).

As we are going through something, we forget all about this Bible passage. This is God’s promise to us that He will be there with us. Therefore, when we pray, we should pray, not asking for God’s help, but pray thanking God for being there with us during our storm. Wow! What a revelation! Knowing (remembering) that God is with you during your struggles makes your struggle less of a struggle doesn’t it? You can rejoice, knowing that God has your back!

The One and only True God has your back! Just call to Him – cry out to Him! He is waiting on you. Seek Him first! Before you call your seemingly reliable mother, father, sister, brother, call God! Call our Faithful – Reliable – Dependable – Committed God! He keeps all His Promises!

“Call to me and I will answer you.” – Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV). 

Stay Connected!


Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan

“Lean Not!”



“Lean Not!”

Our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, has been teaching a series on: “The Lord Is Faithful!”.

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”     –    2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV). 

“He will not leave you hanging.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

When our Pastor preaches – teaches – Word, it is meant for us to move forward and act on the Word. It is meant for us to carry the Word with us throughout the week.

Do you find yourself listening to the Word at church on Sunday and leaving the Word there when you leave church?   If your answer is yes – then you have work to do!

The Holy Spirit speaks through our Pastor. It behooves us to listen and act on the Word. Act on the Message you receive. Sometimes you may need clarification on the Message given, turn to your Bibles and search Scripture. Get in the habit of searching Scripture that relates to the Scriptures given during worship service or Bible study. (Google is a wonderful thing. Google the Scripture given, and it will give you that Scripture plus other Scriptures relating to it.)

Read – meditate – search Scripture! This is what we must do during the week prior to our Sunday morning Worship Service. This will prepare you to receive the Word (the Message) that our Pastor has for Sunday, and for Bible study. Receive It – Believe It!

Pastor Brice taught that God’s faithfulness was in His Person – His Promises – and His Performances.  Our faithful, dependable, God will always come through for us in Character and in Commitment.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your ow understanding.                           –  ”Proverbs 3:5 (NIV). 

God knows what is best for us. This is what it means to “lean not on your own understanding”. Trust in Him – lean on Him. Call to Him – He will answer you, and when He does, follow His Instructions. Let Him be your Power and your Strength during your weakness. Let Him be your Way when you are lost and can’t seem to get back on tract. Let Him take Control when you waver. Your reward (the results) will be beyond measure.

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan


“Are You Producing?”



“Are You Producing?”

How do you respond when someone asks: “Are you producing?”  What is your response when God asks this question? With anyone but God, you may start rationalizing. “I did this…or I did that…” You’ll try to make yourself look good by bringing up the many things you’ve done.

Oh, but God! When God ask this question He knows, and you know He knows. So, at this point you stop to think, “Have I been doing things that are pleasing to God? Why is God asking me this question?” Do I detect a slight note of fear as you frantically search for the right answer to give, while knowing all along that He already knows?

“Therefore, go and make disciples.” – Matthew 28:19 (NIV).

We get so caught up in living our happy lives and enjoying our worldly possessions that we forget about our brothers and sisters in need of saving. We overlook what Jesus has commanded. When not following Jesus’ commands are we happy, are we experiencing real joy? You can’t experience real joy if you’re not following God.

“Happiness is tied to happenings.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice – “When things are not going well you do not feel happy.”

What do I need? You need to experience real joy! What is real joy?

During his Sunday Sermon, Pastor Brice gave us the definition of real joy: “A deep sense of pleasure, delight, gladness, well-being, that is independent of your circumstances.” Pastor Brice also said, “Jesus is the Source – the Stabilizer – the Secret to real joy.”

Making disciples of men is one way of producing. When you are producing you will experience real joy. However, you must be careful who you let into your inner circle. The wrong person will cause you not to produce – the wrong person will cause you to disconnect from God. Without God, you are nothing.

“If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NIV).

 In order to remain in Jesus, you must follow His commands. He will equip you with everything you need to follow His Commands. He will also equip you with everything you need to produce. Therefore, go forth and produce!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan


“Lord, God!”




“Lord, God!”


Lord, God! Just two Words. Two Words with meaning beyond measure. Two Words that will usher in the Holy Spirit. Two Words that will put Him in control of your experience, your situation. Two Words that tell Him that you recognize Who He is. There’s something about these two Words; “Lord, God!”

“For the Lord thy God is a merciful God; he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swore unto them.”                                                       – Deuteronomy 4:31 (KJV). 

“God’s Covenant is His promise He made between you and me.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

God’s Covenant is Spiritual (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) and does not have an ending date. It also cannot be shaken nor broken. Unlike, our worldly contracts which are basically made to be broken. How many times have you entered a contract, either business or personal, and you receive a notice that it is time to rewrite or renegotiate your contract? (NFL, NBA, etc.)

Would you rather have a Promise (Covenant) or a contract? When I think of His Goodness!

“O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; because his mercy endureth forever.”                         –  Psalm 118:1 (KJV).

When you are going through trials and trouble, and you feel like you’ve lost your joy, think about your trouble as your “Red Sea experience”. He will part that sea for you – He will make a way out of no way. Think about His Goodness and Mercy. Think about His Covenant (Promise). Think about where your joy comes from. Start praising Him! Give Him all the glory! Stop the “woe is me” attitude. The joy you seek will manifest itself in your praise.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV).

Yes, your joy comes through your praise which gives you strength. There is no strength like the strength you receive from your joy in the Lord. You just got your joy back!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan

“Need Any Help?”



“Need Any Help?”

“Do you need any help?” How often do you hear these words? If, and when you do hear them; “How does it make you feel?” What impression does these five words give you of the person asking? Personally, I see the person as one who is willing to share the load. I see a person who is thoughtful, kind, and considerate – a person, who in that moment, is living in the Spirit. The apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians about living in the Spirit.

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” – Galatians 5:25 (KJV).

Characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit?   “…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” – Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV).

“God helps us through life.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

God has given us everything we need to navigate through life. We must use what God has given us in our everyday lives. I think it is very significant that the first attribute of the fruit of the Spirit is love because; “God is Love!”

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” – John 3:16 (KJV). 

Faith, hope, and love are attributes of the Believer. 1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us that love is the greatest of these attributes. 

Remain in Him – remain in His Word. Love – joy – peace will lead you to the other attributes: forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

When you hear the words; “Need any help?” respond with a “Yes!” We all need some type of help as we navigate through life because adversity (difficulties – misfortunes  – trouble) know how to find you. It is a way of life. Stand on the promises of God during your troubles.

“Always know that life’s adversity will always come before life’s advancement.”                                               – Pastor Victor S. Brice

I know you’ve heard this before; “Pray your way through.” Pray your way through all your adversities, trouble, misfortunes. God is working on your behalf. God is getting ready to advance you. Pray. Wait on the Lord. Help is on the way! His Goodness and Mercy will sustain you.

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan





This morning, during our regular 6:00 a.m. prayer call, Pastor Brice came on with words of encouragement to say; “Yes!” to his vision – the STMI church vision – that was given to him by God during our Sunday morning Worship Service. STMI Vision: A mentorship program. When we think of mentorship we usually think of mentoring to our children, our youth. However, mentorship is for everyone – for all ages. i.e., A 35-year-old mother with two children join STMI. She is new to the church system and not sure how to proceed with her newfound acceptance of Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Mentorship is needed. STMI family, we all have work to do. We must start by saying, “Yes!” to our pastor’s vision.

“Provision comes with the vision.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Yes, God will provide what we need to comply with the vision. A while back I wrote about having a “yes spirit”. When you say “yes” to Pastor’s vision, you are saying “yes” to the Lord. We must not forget where the vision came from. Don’t take the vision lightly. As a matter of fact, when God speaks, we must listen and comply.  God is speaking through our pastor – God is leading our pastor. Therefore, it behooves us to let our pastor lead us and comply with the vision.

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”  – Psalm 46:10 (KJV).

God is telling us to take a moment – listen to His Word – heed His Word – know that He is God. By knowing that He is God you will know that He is your strength and your security. He is your purpose. He is your provider. He will be with you as you comply with our STMI vision.

All of us will not be able to take a large part in the vision but it will take all of us to move the vision. i.e., It takes many parts, large and small, to make a car run. When the little parts work together with the large parts, we have a car that moves. A car engine cannot run without a battery.

The key to moving the vision: Working together. We must work together! STMI needs you! Pastor Brice has said that he wants 100% compliance with his vison. This means you! If you can’t be the engine, be the battery that moves the engine. Tap into the “yes” spirit that the Lord has given you. Comply with the vision: Say, “Yes!”

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan  


“God Is Love!”



“God Is Love!”

“God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”                                        – 1 John 4:16b (NIV). 

“Yes, Lord!” This is the highest praise we can give our Father in Heaven. Yes, to His Will – Yes, to His Way – Yes, to His Love!

“Women, don’t fall for a man telling you he loves you but doesn’t love God.”  – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Think on this statement a moment. This works both ways, for men and women. Men, you must also beware of a woman who tells you she loves you but doesn’t love God. Love starts and ends with God. We all fit in the middle and are made whole being surrounded by God’s Love. This is how our love matters. Let God’s Love surround you. Patient – kind – never gives up – endures.

Have you ever wondered why the one person that you’ve been mean to or have wronged keeps coming back? That’s not being a punk (yes, I used this word) it’s because of love.

Love knows no boundaries. Love can look beyond your faults and see your heart – love can see the real you.

Doesn’t God look beyond our faults and weaknesses and love us anyway? Isn’t this how mothers and fathers love their children? 

This is also how we must love each other. i.e., Look for the good in that nosey neighbor that’s always meddling in your business and love them anyway. Look beyond the rudeness of that store clerk that was impatient with you and love them anyway. 

This is the kind of love that matters. This is the kind of love we must practice.

“A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  – John 13:34 (NIV).


Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan



“Fast – Pray – Focus!”


“Fast – Pray – Focus!” 

Our Pastor, Rev. Victor S. Brice, following the lead of the Holy Spirit, has called on us to fast and pray for the next three days. Wednesday, January 5th , through Friday, January 7th, during the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Anyone with health requirements for food intake while on medications will be exempt from a total fast and should do a modified or partial fast only. For today and the next two days, we should not have any food intake during the specified hours, except when doing a modified fast, and we should drink lots of water and non-mind-altering liquids.

What is fasting? Fasting is a willful refrainment from eating and from drinking certain liquids.

When fasting don’t think of it as limiting your food intake, think of fasting as focusing. As a matter of fact, lets change the word fast to focus. For the next three days we will focus. We will put our focus on God.  What is the one thing we do when we focus on God? We pray! Therefore, for the next three days we will pray and focus on God. Let’s not forget about His Word. Turn to your Bible and start reading. It doesn’t matter what Scripture you turn to. God’s Word is Truth and God’s Word is always right on time.

Start your day in prayer. Yes, prayer! Morning prayer should already be a part of your daily routine. If not, now is a good time to start. Seek Him! Ask God for His help and guidance as you go through your fast. Rely on His Strength – rely on His Power – rely on His Word. 

“Fasting is not a means of seeking God’s blessing – it’s a means of seeking God.”                                                 – Pastor Victor S. Brice

“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father… ” – Matthew 6:17-18 (NIV)

I’ve had friends and associates do a fast without including God. Especially at the beginning of a new year. The first mistake they make is announcing to everyone that they are fasting. Then, I’ve watched them struggle while fasting in order to jump start their weight loss program. I’m sure things would work out better for them if they did a spiritual fast.

Quietly go about your fast (focus) throughout the day. No need to make an announcement, just include God in your fast. Everything is easier when you include God in your plans. Stay focused – stay in Word – stay in prayer!  Fast – Pray – Focus – Win!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan


“Who Are You Pleasing?”


“Who Are You Pleasing?”

During last Sunday’s morning worship service, “How I Love Matters” (part -3) Pastor Brice gave us two questions:

God, am I pleasing You?

God, what do You expect of me?

Time to go into your private prayer closet. Pray – Expect – Follow! Since we were born into worldly sin, we will never be able to please God 100% of the time. Therefore, we should make it our daily mission to serve God to the best of our ability. We can and will fall short, but we must get back up and try again. Stay in Word – prayer – worship. Keep striving!

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence.” – Hebrews 4:16 (NIV). 

Pastor Brice also gave us the benefits of God being Our Father. God is patient – God is approachable – God has our best interest in mind – God has perfect timing.

“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do because you are his dear children.”                         – Ephesians 5:1 (NLT). 

“If we love Him – we will be like Him.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

This is the key to how our love matters. We must make loving God our foundation. Put Him first! Imitate Him – be like Him! Then watch how everything else falls into place. When you love God and participate in the practice of Godly love (Agape love) you will have a winning combination. Take note of the words: participate & practice. These two words are here to remind you that the road to Agape love will not be easy. It is not easy to love someone while you are being belittled – slandered – racially profiled – persecuted, etc. It will take a lot of patience (like God) and practice.

So, when you ask God the above two questions be ready for His answer. To please Him you may have to make  some changes in your life. (This is good.) Also, get ready to be of service to Him because He will let you know what He expects of you. Some police departments have adopted the motto: “To protect and to serve.”  Well, believers since we love God and love each other, our motto should be: “To Love and to Serve.”

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan





Throughout the years, each generation, Black Americans, have had their common talk amongst themselves which is known only to them and a few others who venture to find out what is meant by certain terms used. Some may call it slang, hip-talk, jive-talk, or even Ebonics. Yes, Ebonics.  We will always come up with speech that puts emphasis on certain things or actions. We don’t give it a name; we just use it.

Recognize: acknowledge the existence, validity of – accept – admit – concede

Regarding the reason for the holiday season: “Girl (man), you betta recognize!”  

Pastor Brice’s sermon this past Sunday was on; “How God’s Love Matters”. He stressed the fact that the birth of Jesus was a gift for everyone and that His birth must be celebrated and appreciated.

“Christmas is all about (God) and shows how God’s Love matters.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

I must admit that I, too, have at times forgotten the real reason for celebrating Christmas. I’ve gotten caught up in the excitement of decorating, gift buying, baking, cooking specialty goods, and dishes in preparation for… Christmas (a day of celebrating Jesus’ birth). Christmas! His  name Christ is all over the place, yet we still forget. Why is that?

We have commercialized Christmas to the extent that we fail to recognize Christ – we fail to recognize that Jesus is the reason for the season. Don’t let the excitement of the season get you caught up. Breathe! Reflect! God didn’t bring us this far for us to forget about Him – for us to forget that He is the reason that we are here today. It was His Mercy and Goodness that has kept us and brought us through our trials – troubles – tribulations –sicknesses – COVID. We are here today because of Him.

Bottom line, when I say: “You better recognize!” I’m saying that the birth of Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas. Give Him all the praise – honor – and glory! Recognize!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan