About Othella Jordan




To stand is to be in an upright position (usually supported by your feet) – it can be a base for a piece of furniture – it can be an attitude toward a particular issue – it can also mean to be in strong agreement. When you are in strong agreement you will not back down – you will stand your ground – you will endure – be steadfast – resist – defy – maintain your position.

At the end of our Tuesday evening Bible teachings, “Benefits of The Believer”, Pastor Brice’s parting words to us were: “Share the Benefits Package. Stand and persevere!” 

“Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”               – Psalm 37:24 (NIV). 

This is a benefit. God’s Promises are our benefits.  Our benefits don’t cost a thing but are worth more than gold, take advantage of them! Have faith, trust, believe, and receive priceless benefits. Read: Psalm 37 (yes, all of it) see how we must conduct ourselves as believers. As you read Psalm 37, pay attention to the following listed Scriptures that show our believers’ benefits:

  • Prepared Faith – Psalm 37:23-24.
  • Profound Provisions – Psalm 37:25.
  • Prosperous Practices – Psalm 37:26-27.
  • Prominent Preservation – Psalm 37:28-29.
  • Precious Prudence – Psalm 37:30—31.

Don’t let your benefits remain idle. Tap into them. Stay in the Word. Stay committed to the Lord (Psalm 37:5-6) He will not let you fall – He will not let you fail. Get the Word in your heart – take the Word with you wherever you may go. Grow in your knowledge of the Word – grow your faith – live the Word – spread the Word – grow your relationship with God.

Stand and resist the devil! Stand and endure your troubles and hardships! Stand and share with everyone your benefits as a believer. Reap the benefits! Persevere, under the Lord’s supervision.

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“Submerge Your Energy”


“Submerge Your Energy” 

Over the past week the news media has been covering the story of five people killed when their submersible vessel imploded in the ocean while attempting to view the wreckage of the Titanic ship which sank more than a hundred years ago in the North Atlantic Ocean. Pastor Brice spoke about this tragedy relative to a storm brewing out in the ocean and it’s moving this way.

“You may not see it coming, but it’s coming.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

The Devil is always at work and will strike without warning. Therefore, we must remain covered – we must submerge ourselves in the Word of God. So far, I’ve used the word submerse (submersible) and the word submerge. Time to clarify their meaning. To submerse is to go below the surface of water (therefore the explorers were in a submersible vessel). To submerge yourself is to put all your effort into doing a particular activity – taking part and getting involved.

Pastor Brice has been teaching a series on “Energy for Ministry”.  Let’s pull this all together. Let’s submerge our energy into this ministry. Let’s get involved (take part) in our church ministry. It does not have to be anything huge – a hundred small parts can make a large engine run smoothly. Do your part, large or small, and watch how our church ministry flows and grows.    “How may I help?”   “How am I needed?”

Note: I can almost hear Pastor Brice saying, “I’m glad you asked.” 

We are most comfortable doing things that we love – things we have experience in – things (by the grace of God) we are gifted in. Using your energy for this ministry is all on you. It does not have to be anything elaborate or arduous nor is there an age limit.  i.e., A high school student gifted in praise dancing – can teach the younger students how to praise dance…or help the younger students with their Bible reading…schoolteachers – can use their expertise in children’s church…we can all use our energy to keep our church campus clean.

“There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 12:5 (NIV).

Now, back to submerge. When we submerge ourselves in love; love the Lord – love His Word – love yourself – love your neighbor – your energy for ministry will flourish as you serve the Lord and others. Submerge your energy in Solomon Temple Ministry.

“You gotta’ have energy for ministry – the rest will take care of itself.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“Need An Answer?”


“Need An Answer?”

In today’s modern world there is a D.I.Y. (do it yourself) book for just about everything you might need or question. We live in the age of self-help. There are how-to books for arts and crafts – books on how to invest your money – books on discipline (how to use self-control – how to relieve stress – there is even a self-esteem guide).  All these books serve a purpose and have one thing in common, an expiration date.

Your arts and crafts project will get old and lose its appeal – your invested money will last until there is a stock market crash – your self-discipline (self-control, stress relief, self-esteem) will continue as long as you put in the work.  (I’m ready for your first question.)

Where do I go from here?   Was God involved in any of your situations?

How many times do you have to hear:

“Seek Him first!”       “Get God involved in everything you do!”

God’s involvement in your plans gives you His Power which you need for sure and lasting accomplishments – which is needed for eternal victory – the things of God victory.

(Next question.)

How do I get eternal victory?

“Lay up your treasures in Heaven.” (This is Biblical Principle) Pastor Victor S. Brice

“Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full.”                          – Proverbs 19:17 (MSG).

During Pastor Brice’s teachings on, “The Benefits of a Believer”, he spoke about laying up treasures in Heaven. Our treasures involve more than just money and possessions, it involves living godly, living for God’s glory, and living for the good of others. Remember, what you give to those in need should be matched by how you live the Word of God.

Righteous giving plus righteous living equals treasures in Heaven.

(Do you still need an answer?)

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan


“Need An Answer?”


“Need An Answer?”

In today’s modern world there is a D.I.Y. (do it yourself) book for just about everything you might need or question. We live in the age of self-help. There are how-to books for arts and crafts – books on how to invest your money – books on discipline (how to use self-control – how to relieve stress – there is even a self-esteem guide).  All these books serve a purpose and have one thing in common, an expiration date.

Your arts and crafts project will get old and lose its appeal – your invested money will last until there is a stock market crash – your self-discipline (self-control, stress relief, self-esteem) will continue as long as you put in the work.  (I’m ready for your first question.)

Where do I go from here?   Was God involved in any of your situations?

How many times do you have to hear:

“Seek Him first!”       “Get God involved in everything you do!”

God’s involvement in your plans gives you His Power which you need for sure and lasting accomplishments – which is needed for eternal victory – the things of God victory.

(Next question.)

How do I get eternal victory?

“Lay up your treasures in Heaven.” (This is Biblical Principle) Pastor Victor S. Brice

“Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full.”                           – Proverbs 19:17 (MSG).

During Pastor Brice’s teachings on, “The Benefits of a Believer”, he spoke about laying up treasures in Heaven. Our treasures involve more than just money and possessions, it involves living godly, living for God’s glory, and living for the good of others. Remember, what you give to those in need should be matched by how you live the Word of God.

Righteous giving plus righteous living equals treasures in Heaven.

(Do you still need an answer?)

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan


“What Is Your Passion?”


“What is Your Passion?”

We all have a passion for something. What is yours? To be clear, passion is a strong, intense, feeling – enthusiasm – pleasure – excitement for something or about doing something. Inserting the word love for passion will give you the most correct meaning. Thinking back on one of the most descriptive actions for love… “Love conquers all!”  This may be the truest meaning of love because God is Love and so much more! Conqueror – Controller – Provider – Protector – Peace – Joy – Serenity – Strength. And the list goes on. Therefore, if God is Love, is He also Passion? Let’s think about this for a minute.

During our Sunday sermon on, “Energy for Ministry” (Part – 5) Pastor Brice made the statement:

“Passion will eliminate every excuse – obliterate all opposition – annihilate every attack.”

Sounds like the work of the Holy Spirit to me. Would we, in our earthly realm, be able to do all the above; eliminate – obliterate – annihilate, without the help of the Holy Spirit?  No – nope – naw! Nehemiah chapters one through thirteen, God gave Nehemiah the energy – the passion – and the drive to complete the task of rebuilding, restoring, Jerusalem both literally and spiritually.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” – Romans 12:6 (NIV).

God has given all of us gifts so that we may use them to glorify His Name. However, we tend to use our gifts for our satisfaction and not the way God intended – especially when our gifts bring us fame and fortune. With fame and fortune, we get the “big head” and start thinking we are all that. We’ve let our gifts, along with our passion, lead us in the wrong direction. The wrong direction leads to destruction.

Time to detour – time to turn – time to head in the Right direction.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” – Colossians 3:2 (NIV).

Setting your mind on the things above is heading in the Right direction. Your mindset must be to put God first in all you do. Your passion will follow your mindset. Again, what is your passion?

“Use your passion to serve the Lord!”

Stay Connected! 

Solomon Temple Ministries International ~ Blogger ~ Othella Hill-Jordan

“Why Do You Suppose?”


“Why Do You Suppose?” 

Why do you suppose someone would be opposed to restoring ruins?  Why would someone choose ugliness over beauty? Pastor Victor S. Brice has an on-going series on “Energy for  Ministry”. In the book of Nehemiah, we read about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls and restoring the ruined city of Jerusalem. However, ….

“They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it.”   – Nehemiah 4:8 (NIV). 

… there were people who did not want the ruined city restored to its rightful beauty. There were people who felt threatened by the rebuilding of Jerusalem. What comes into play here? Envy – Jealousy – Resentfulness – Spite. We have Nehemiah, a servant of God, trying to restore beauty to his city, while some oppressors try to stop him.

“You must go all the way in and channel your energy.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Use your energy for the right reasons – to do the work – not disrupt the work. Talk is cheap – meaning – the nay-sayers will talk, talk, talk but when it comes to putting forth the work energy, they can’t be found – they suddenly disappear. We must stop trying to oppose the inevitable – we must use our energy for good because God will always win!

I sometimes look around at the empty pews in our church. Where are you? Pastor Brice talked about the great comeback in Jerusalem. It is time for your great comeback. Time to use your energy for ministry by coming back to fellowship with other believers. We need the Lord – we need each other. God needs you to do the work.

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work.” – John 9:4 (NIV). 

The above Scripture was spoken by Jesus. God sent His One and Only Son to earth so that we could model ourselves after Him. Therefore, we all must do…”the works of Him” …

Why do you suppose…. because this is our energy for ministry.

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan


“Are You Looking for Work?”


“Are You Looking for Work?”

When looking for work, a person just entering the work force, high school, college students or maybe even housewives wanting to contribute extra money to their household, will focus on salary and hours. Their objective is to make as much money as possible while using their available hours. However, when seeking employment in your field of expertise, your focus will shift to salary and benefits. “How much do they pay?”  “What does the employee benefits package look like?”  Sometimes the benefits package has greater value than the actual salary.  Yes, been there – done that – retired with a great benefits package.

Our Pastor, Victor S. Brice has been teaching a series on: “The Believer’s Benefit Package”.  Did you know that believers have a benefits package?   Yes, our Salvation comes with benefits. It is up to each of us to bring all the benefits of Salvation into our lives. What does that look like?

“Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”      – James 2:18b (ESV). 

“Faith by my works?” Yes, your faith must be the driving force behind all you do. Sounds easy enough but it’s not so easy when Satan entices you daily. Therefore, you must keep your eyes, heart, mind, stayed on Jesus. Remember, God has promised to never leave nor forsake you. He’s got you! You have benefits!

Promises – Provisions – Principles (Doctrine) – Performance (Faith) 

You must get to know God for yourself. Develop a personal relationship with Him. You can’t have faith in Him if you don’t know Him. Stay in the Word of God – stay in prayer – attend Worship Service – attend Bible Study – spread the Word – make disciples – be the work. As you walk in the Word and abide in the Word you will strengthen your relationship with Him. You will know His Promises – His Provisions – His Principles (Doctrine) – which will lead you to your Performance (faith) – to trust – believe – abide. This is your Benefits Package – this is your energy needed for ministry.

Again:  “Are you looking for work?”

Response:  “I am the work!”

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan

“I Have The Energy”


“I Have the Energy!” 

A couple of weeks ago my blog asked the question: Do you have the energy? A yes answer will follow for all the things that you are passionate about – all the things that peak and hold your attention – all the things that you love.

i.e., A parent, tired after working a 10-hour shift, will come home to a child that needs help with his/her homework. Mom or dad will find the extra energy it takes to make it happen. Or a tired older brother or sister comes home from basketball practice to find his/her sibling shooting hoops in the backyard. While watching the younger sibling, the older sibling can see what needs correcting. The older brother or sister will immediately step in to show how it should be done.

Where did that burst of energy come from?

“Your energy comes from above.” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

God knows our strengths and weaknesses and will give us energy to perform. Feeling tired on Sunday morning? Get up, get dressed, attend church. Tuesday evenings, log on to Facebook for our STMI Word Connection class. Wednesday evenings, log on to zoom for our STMI Life Transformation class. Wake up every morning and listen, touch, and agree to the prayer that goes forth at 0600 a.m.

Church Attendance – Word Connection – Life Transformation – Prayer. This is just the start of our STMI ministry. There is so much more that needs to be done. Remember, the more energy needed, the more energy the Lord will give you. Try it! God has given you a gift to be used in service to Him and to others. Ask Him what can you do to be of service to Him and our STMI Ministry, then do it. Using a quote from my sister,

“Step out boldly!” – Devon “NeeCee” Williams

He will lead you to tap into your gifts to share with others. He will lead you to success. What does success look like? Those who are willing to put in the work will win – they will succeed. Success is winning – success is energy – put in the energy – you will win. Is your name written in the book of success? Do you have an energy hashtag (#) by your name? i.e., #Othella Hill-Jordan. I have the energy!  I will win!  I will have success!  All glory to God!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan



“Do You Have the Energy?”



“Do You Have the Energy?”

Do you have the energy? Your answer will depend on the reason behind this question. We will always have energy for the things that gives us pleasure – money – success – happiness. Pastor Brice will lead us through a teaching series on: “Energy for The Ministry.” Isaiah 6:8 is the leading Scripture:

“Then I heard the Lord asking, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?’   “Here I am. Send me.” – Isaiah 6:8 (NLT). 

Do you have the energy for the ministry?

The key word here is energy or work. Yes, energy is work – work is energy – there is no way around it. So, does hearing the word work make you pause for a second and reconsider putting in energy for the ministry? It shouldn’t because everything we do involves work. i.e., We want a happy family and home – we must put in the work (energy) to make it happen. We want success in our job – we must put in the work (energy) to make it happen.

“I’ll give you energy to do ministry. – It comes from above – Every good and perfect gift comes from above.”  – Pastor Victor S. Brice

Willing – Working – Winning

Success starts with a willing spirit – continues with putting in the work – resulting in winning. Everyone willing to put in the work will win – will succeed – because God will give you the energy to perform. STMI is winning through prayer ministry. Step up boldly. God will give you the energy to perform all tasks associated with STMI ministry.

Who shall I send? Who is willing? Who is winning?

“Sign up – enlist – get on the team!” – Pastor Victor S. Brice

I’m excited – I’m willing – I’m ready to work – I’m ready to win – I will tune in…

Pastor Brice’s teaching series: “Energy for The Ministry.”

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan

“I’m Waiting!”


“I’m Waiting!” 

I’m waiting, is not a question but it does require an answer – a response – an action on your part. It may require you to stop (pause) – look (observe) – listen (comprehend). Most importantly, your reaction will depend on who is making the statement and on what preceded the statement. This statement from a parent to a child – a teacher to a student – a supervisor to a staff member   – could be pertaining to a plethora of things. For this writing, the Lord is speaking to you.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” – Psalm 27:14 (NIV).

Yes, we’ve learned to wait on the Lord. But you must remember that He waits on you also. This Scripture may have been at the forefront of your mind while you’ve been diligently praying for a particular something to happen (materialize) in your life and patiently waiting for an answer from Him. However, when you don’t get an answer right away (in your timing) you get impatient – you start to question yourself. (Yes, you question yourself, not the Lord.)  What am I doing wrong?   “I’m waiting!”   What was that?   Did the Lord just speak to you?

“The Lord waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.”                        – Isaiah 30:18a (NIV).

During our storms – times of trouble – anxiety – depression, we will often take refuge in earthly pleasures and turn to what we feel is a quick fix: drugs (prescription or not) – alcohol – sex – illicit thoughts. We will turn to anything that will distract us from the trouble in our life. What we fail to realize is that God waits on us to get things right in our lives. Taking refuge in earthly pleasures is a temporary fix and is not the answer. The Lord will not answer your prayers while you are deep in sin.  He will wait on you to confess and repent so that He can help you.

“He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.” –  2 Peter 3:9 (NLT).

When you find yourself praying, and praying, without a response – that is your response. Time for introspection – time to figure out what you are doing wrong. Time to confess and repent!   

“Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10 (NIV).

His Word is Truth.   He will answer when you call. (Jeremiah 33:3)  He is waiting!

Stay Connected!

Solomon Temple Ministries International – Blogger – Othella Hill-Jordan